Secrets and Shadows

The bell rang, signaling the end of the class, and the girls made their way out into the bustling hallway. Despite everything they had been through with Roxy, the other students seemed oblivious to the recent chaos.

"How the hell is everyone not freaking out after what happened?" June asked, her frustration evident.

Madison furrowed her brow, concentrating as she used her telepathy to scan the students' minds. She searched for any traces of the memory of Roxy transforming into a monster, but she found nothing. It was as if the entire incident had never occurred.

"Nobody remembers," Madison said, her voice tinged with confusion. "It's like it never happened."

Just then, Hughley's voice echoed in their minds, surprising them. "I erased the minds of the students to keep you safe. Meet me in the old library. We need to talk."

The girls exchanged worried glances but nodded in agreement. They hurried through the crowded halls, their senses heightened for any sign of danger. As they turned a corner, June suddenly stopped, her eyes wide with shock.

"Mom?" she whispered, staring down a side hallway where a woman who looked exactly like her dead mother was standing, crying.

"June, wait!" April G called, but June was already running toward the woman.

As June approached, the woman turned to face her, tears streaming down her face. "June, my sweet girl," she said, her voice trembling.

"Mom? Is it really you?" June asked, her heart pounding in her chest.

Before the woman could answer, a sticky web shot out from behind her, ensnaring June and pulling her toward the wall. The woman's form shimmered and twisted, revealing a jorogumo, a humanoid creature with the lower half of a spider.

April G and Madison rushed forward, their powers at the ready. Madison used her telekinesis to grab a nearby bench and hurl it at the jorogumo, forcing the creature to release June. April G manipulated time, slowing the jorogumo's movements as she helped free her sister from the sticky web.

The jorogumo hissed, its multiple eyes glinting with malice. It lunged at the girls, but June, now free, reacted quickly. She conjured a gust of wind, pushing the creature back.

"We need to finish this," April G said, her voice determined.

The girls joined forces, combining their abilities to create a powerful attack. Madison used her telekinesis to pin the jorogumo to the wall, while June summoned a vortex of water to drench the creature. April G focused her time manipulation, aging the jorogumo's exoskeleton until it cracked and crumbled.

With a final, desperate shriek, the jorogumo dissolved into a pool of blood. The girls stood there, panting and covered in the creature's remains.

"Let's get out of here," Madison said, her voice shaking. "We need to find Hughley."

They ran through the halls, ignoring the curious glances from other students as they passed. The old library was on the far side of the school, and they knew they had to move quickly.

As they reached the library, they were met by Hughley, who looked more serious than ever. "You did well, but there's no time to celebrate. Whoever is behind this is getting more aggressive. We need to be prepared."

Before they could respond, a masked figure with a red Greek letter Zai etched on his face appeared at the entrance of the library. He watched the girls intently, his presence sending a chill down their spines.

"Who are you?" Madison demanded, her telekinesis at the ready.

The masked figure chuckled darkly. "Soon, those half-bloods will be strong enough for the ceremony," he said, his voice dripping with malice. With a wave of his hand, he erased the remains of the jorogumo and vanished into thin air.

The girls stared at the spot where he had stood, their minds racing with questions and fears.

"What ceremony?" June asked, her voice trembling.

Hughley stepped forward, his eyes narrowed with determination. "We need to find out who this masked figure is and what he plans. For now, we must stay together and be vigilant. The fae are relentless, and they won't stop until they achieve their goal."

The girls nodded, their resolve strengthened by Hughley's words. They knew they had a long and dangerous road ahead of them, but they were ready to face whatever challenges lay in their path.

Together, they would uncover the truth, protect each other, and put an end to the dark forces that threatened their lives. And they would do it as a united front, with Hughley by their side.

As they left the old library, the sense of unity and determination grew stronger. They had each other, and together, they would face whatever came next. The battle was far from over, but they were ready to fight.