Help Me

A few hours later they got tired of William and they locked him in the basement. William is out cold on the marble floor. Back at the party Alistair wipes his tears and storms out of the house. He can feel that William is in danger. "Victoria!!!" he yells angrily at her, she turns around. "You're going to help me find William, or else I'm telling the counsel!!" he threatens. "Your bluffing" she snaps back. "Oh?" he says dialing the counsel's number. The head of the counsel answers the phone, "Yes Alistair" "Hello I just wanted to complain about-" he gets cut off by Victoria. "FINE!!! Fine. I'll help you!" she yells at him. "Oh nevermind false alarms bye!" he says quickly while hanging up the phone. He looks dead in Victoria's eyes and says "First tell me where William is" he said sounding mad and angry and depressed all at the same time. Victoria laughed at him hysterically with crazy eyes as she said "Like hell I'll tell you that even if I knew they didn't tell me where they put him". Alistair felt in his heart that she knew something but she wasn't telling him what it was. So he dialed his friend's number, Dream. Victoria pressed against her ear holding down the microphone in her ear and she whispered into it "Kill him". Alistair overhears her saying that and he drops the phone and pins her to the wall and he whispers to her "I dare you to." she frighteningly said "D-dare me to do what?". He took out a gun he had brought just in case and pointed it towards her and he said "I'll blow your brains out, or what's left of it at least". She smiled and said to him "And how's that gonna work out for you, hun?". He chuckled and replied "Ever hear of the ripper, it's a type of gun that will blow your head off and then an animal creature comes out and eats the evidence that there was a ever a murder." Her eyes widened at that name and a tear escaped her eye. He laughed as he stuck his middle finger up and towards and said for her to man up. She smiled then she kicked him. He coughed a little and went towards her again when she pulled out a dagger and stabbed him. He fell backwards still holding on to the gun. Dream arrives looking all handsome and attractive with his long white hair, blue eyes and his clownish clothes with all his very attractive lady friends and the one other guy. Dream ran over to Alistair with his friend who brought medical supplies while his brother (Nightmare)went over to Victoria holding a sword in her direction. She smiled as an animal appeared behind her or so they thought it was. She told it to attack Nightmare. Nightmare tried to jump out the way when it threw a giant ball of black at him but he was stuck to the floor. He was hit in the head with it and it turned his body black, and he yelled in pain because it was burning his skin. As the orb hit Nightmare he found that he couldn't get up. It seems that the orb is keeping him stuck to the ground. Ruby (the female friend) saw that he was struggling to get up and rushed towards him. "What happened?" she asks while trying to pull him up from the floor. "This stupid orb thing hit me and now I can't flipping move!" he responds. Victoria sends another orb towards Ruby but she ducks "Crap!" she says realizing that she was now a target.

While she's trying to help Nightmare, Dream is fighting with Akina who is throwing punches. He dodges his punches until he gets hit by an uppercut, that he was unable to avoid. He stumbles but gets back despite the pain. He laughs at him and says "Why are you so damn weak right now!?, I want to fight someone at full strength!" he says punching him in the stomach by surprise. Dream vomited blood all over the ground grabbing his stomach in pain.

Ruby got hit by the ball and yelled out in pain as she got burned. Dream wipes his mouth and hits Akina with an uppercut as well. "Who's weak now smart ass!?!" he says. Akina stubbles back a bit but is able to keep his balance while he laughs at what Dream had said. "FINALLY A WORTHY OPPONENT ALL THE OTHERS ARE HALF ASSING IT!!" He says while smirking at Dream.

Dream also smiled because he liked him he just wanted a worthy opponent while everyone else wanted to kill or hurt someone. Akina ran over to Victoria because she had her animal on the loose. Dream yelled for him to come back but he had gotten stabbed by Victoria's animal. She laughed at him as she threw him to the wall causing him to spit blood. She went over to Ruby and stabbed her in the arms along with stabbing Nightmare in the throat then sucking his blood. He screamed in agony because as a non-vampire this was like torture for him. Ruby could only look at him and beg for Victoria to stop.

Dream hears Nightmare screaming and runs towards him. Dream throws himself onto Victoria ripping her off of him. Nightmare falls back in a half conscious state, Ruby runs towards him to attend to his wounds. She takes out bandages and stitches and starts helping Nightmare while speaking softly to him as he groans in pain. He grows paler and paler by the second and Ruby realizes that he got injected by her venom and it's slowly spreading across his body.

She tried her best to stop the spreading but it only seemed to make it worse, Nightmares eyes popped open when it got to his face he stopped breathing and she knew she had to retreat temporarily. "ALISTAIR!!, WE HAVE TO RETREAT NIGHTMARE WAS INJECTED WITH HER VENOM AND I NEED MY SUPPLIES THAT I DIDN'T BRING!!!". Nightmare grabbed her hand and said weakly "Don't retreat I'll die if you do, just stay and I'll be alright." he said closing his eyes. She slapped him in the face hard enough to open his eyes.She hugged him and apologized as she ripped out one of the cords in his ears. He yelled in pain as she did because it was attached to his neck around the area he had been bitten. She hugs him tight and strokes his head. "Shh it's okay" she says as his body goes limp in her arms. He falls unconscious, his body was using the rest of it's energy to fight the venom off. She continues to hold him to protect him from Victoria since he's defenseless in the moment.

Dream stumbles onto the floor with Victoria they both stand up and look at each other with hatred. "You bastard!" she said lowering her voice to sound intimidating. She lunges herself at Dream in an attempt to fight him off as well. Dream punches her in the face but it doesn't hurt her. "You're going to have to try much harder than that" she says while chuckling a little. Victoria sends Dream flying back, Dream disregards the pain to try and not appear weak. "Wow you are much stronger than you appear." he says while smiling at her. "Oh save the talk for later!" she snaps back annoyed. Anoyyed she takes a rifle out of mid air and she points it towards him. "You really think that'll do anything sweetie?" he says. "Seriously?" he says suddenly ,going serious again.

"You may be stronger than you look but unfortunately you don't have the brain to go with it." says Dream smirking. She rolls her eyes and shoots the weapon right before he sends her flying into a tree. He smiles at her and then chuckles saying that she was a doll and she should be ashamed because dolls don't act this way. She lunged for him again but he simply kicked her in the face for revenge. While she was on the ground he put his foot on her head and said "Touch my brother again and I will end you. Touch Ruby again and I'll smash your skull. I DARE YOU TO TOUCH ANYONE ELSE AND I WILL BEAT YOU ASS!!!" he says squishing her skull against the curb causing blood to splatter from her head. She yelled in pain as he took out his claws and scratched her head with it. She yelled again as her animal went back inside of her because now Dream was getting serious making it scared. Veronica came over to help her sister but he had already broken her jaw.

Dream takes his foot off of her face "Don't underestimate me." he says looking her in the eyes. Dream walks away from her thinking that she was unable to fight and goes to check on his brother when something strikes him in the back of his head, he turns around to see Veronica throwing spikes at him. He tries to avoid them but Veronica has an exceptional aim another spike runs through his arm. He didn't even bother to tend to his wound he just continued fighting. Dream goes to launch at Veronica but Victoria stabs him from behind. Veronica and Victoria team up on him, Veronica is throwing spikes while Victoria is shooting at him.

Ruby has to put Nightmare somewhere safe so that she can go help Dream. Dream yells at Ruby to put him in the car, Ruby picks Nightmare up and carries him to the car She places him in the back seat and locks the door to try and keep him safe. Ruby then yells at Dream to retreat so she can help him. Dream refuses to stop fighting and at this point if he doesn't retreat his injuries could become fatal.

Ruby started the car then she pretended like she had gotten badly injured so that Dream would stop fighting. After Alistair had finished getting info from one of Victoria's allies he ran over to help Ruby. Dream decided to try and punch Veronica in the face but he had been extremely gruesomely wounded. There was a giant gaping hole in his side causing him to wince. Alistair wanted to help Ruby but he also wanted to help Dream so he told Ruby to get in the car with Nightmare while he got Dream. Dream had fallen to the floor in pain because now that there was a team against him he was very unlikely to win. Veronica hadn't spoken before but now she placed her foot on his head and whispered to him "Do you want me to break your jaw the way you broke my sisters or ten times worse, you pig?" she said in a deep terrifying voice. He couldn't respond because it would use up too much of his energy which at this point he knew would kill him. Veronica was pissed with him for breaking Victorias jaw so she decided to let him go and choke him out instead. Alistair ran towards him about to help him when she threw Dream at him. His breathing was heavy and there was blood pouring forth from his mouth. Alistair flies back when Dreams body hits him at full force. He looks at Dream who appears dead he quickly checks his pulse...if he has one...."Oh thank god you do!" he said with a sigh of relief. He picks Dream up and runs towards the car. Veronica continues throwing spikes which Alistair barely avoids. All of a sudden a gigantic boulder is thrown towards Veronica. She ducks and looks towards the car where she sees Nightmare leaning against it before he falls to the ground. Veronica realizes that Nightmare had thrown the boulder. Ruby quickly runs out of the car and tries to get Nightmare back in.

Veronica runs towards Nightmare but not throwing spikes at him. Ruby is scared because she thinks she wants to stab him. Veronica pushed her sister Victoria out the way so that she could reach Nightmare. Nightmare was also scared that she wanted to hurt him so he used the last of his energy to slowly crawl away. Angel got there first and she put up her fists to signal a fight. Veronica just punched her in the nose and grabbed Nightmare. "What-* cough *cough what do you want!?!" he asked as he grabbed his throat in pain. Angel was grabbing her hair and punching herself in the face because Veronica was using her powers to force her to do that. Veronica held Nightmare close and her eyes went from menacing to caring. "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING, KILL HIM VERONICA!!!?!!!". She started crying because in this state he reminded her of their dead little brother who was killed by Veronica by accident. Ruby stared in shock as she cried over Nightmare. Nightmare then pet her head and told her to stop crying. "It's okay don't cry." he said trying to sound comforting. Veronica then started growing spikes out of her sides as Nightmare tried to comfort her. Victoria came over and slapped her sister in the face. The power from the slap forces the spikes to go back into Veronica. "What the hell are you doing Veronica that's the enemy team, pull yourself together?!" Victoria yells. "Fine I'll do it myself!!!" she said picking up Nightmare.

Confetti (Dreams girlfriend) ran over to him and chucked him into the car. Dream was unconscious when he landed in the car. Confetti then saw Victoria punching Veronica after she had thrown Nightmare on the floor because Veronica tried to stop her from killing him she heard Veronica yell "NO DON'T HURT HIM!!! NOT AGAIN I DON'T WANT HIM TO DIE BECAUSE OF YOU THIS TIME!!!" Yelled Veronica at Victoria. Confetti snuck behind Victoria while she was punching her sister and took Nightmare back into the car and buckled him in. Veronica had blood all over her face but that didn't seem to bother her. She was more scared for Nightmare who she didn't realize was gone.