Are you sure it's not yours?

"Ms Jasmine Paxton, you are under arrest for stealing my heart."

Jasmine's eyes widened.

Felix pushed her down, and a bed magically appeared under Jasmine.

Her hands were brought above her head and were pinned down by Felix.

Felix's eyes were smouldering Jasmine, burning her body with a fire that came from her blue-grey eyes.

Little by little, Felix's face came closer to hers. In Felix's orbs, Jasmine saw her reflection, and it was getting bigger and closer.

"Kiss me," she uttered.

Jasmine shut her eyes and sucked in a breath when Felix's lips captured hers.

Her lips were nibbled by Felix like it was the sweetest candy, and with one hand still pinning her down, he brought his other hand to squeeze on Jasmine's breast.

He took his time to explore one mountain after the other. From the base to the peak. Felix's fingers pinched on her now erected crown, inviting a moan to be released from Jasmine's mouth.

The intensity of the touch and kiss was too much for Jasmine, making her clenched her legs together tightly. With her eyes closed, her other senses heightened, and the kiss intensity intensified.

Something was building inside her cave down below and was about to leak out from it.

"Ahh!" Jasmine cried out when Felix bit on her lips.

Her eyes popped open to meet with his blue-grey orbs.

Jasmine was huffing, trying to catch her breath before she pounced on him, making them fall to the floor.

This time, it was Jasmine who was at the top. She was straddling Felix and stared at him intensely with lust in her eyes.

Without wasting time, Jasmine dived and sucked on Felix's lips.

"What are you doing?" Felix asked with gritted teeth as his lower lip was currently between Jasmine's teeth.

Jasmine's eyes widened in surprise, and her eyelids blinked a few times.

She released the bit on Felix's lips and leaned back.

"Ms Paxton, what are you dreaming about?"

Jasmine looked around her, she was on the floor of the Head Warden's office.

Felix laid on the floor under her. Her legs were on each side of Felix, straddling him.

She gasped when she realised their position.

Jasmine pulled herself up, but her legs were weak, and she stumbled and fell down on top of Felix.

"Oof," Felix groaned, as Jasmine elbowed his stomach.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry!" Jasmine said, and she held onto the couch at the side to help her get up.

Felix rubbed his aching stomach, while putting up his other hand to stop Jasmine from saying anything more.

"It's alright," said Felix.

Jasmine wanted to help him up, however Felix didn't need her to, as he easily got up from the floor.

Straightening his creased clothes, Felix then looked at Jasmine.

Jasmine was standing there awkwardly, knocking her head with his palm.

'What the hell Jasmine! How your dreams suddenly turned into an erotic scene from that book?!' she shouted in her mind.

Everything in Jasmine's mind was jumbled up.

From dreaming about her past, and Joshua's betrayal, her dreams shifted towards her fantasy from the novel that she read.

'What's wrong with me? Is it because I will be hanged to death and my wild fantasy will never be fulfilled?'

'How can I still think about those when I'm in a dire situation right now?'

'Those wild fantasies are positive thoughts that could help you go through this phase.'

'What positive thoughts? And what phase? This is not a phase. I am facing death!'

Different monologues were battling each other in Jasmine's mind.

'That's why you should just embrace your lustful self. You have been pretending to be a bashful girl for so long for Joshua. What does that get you? Betrayal!'

'That doesn't mean I should pounce on the first man I see! A gay man at that!'

'The dreamy eyed man!' She just remembered about her situation.

Jasmine pulled her gaze up and her eyes met Felix's.

She sucked in a breath.

Felix was staring at her intensely.

"Are you sure that thing wasn't yours, Ms Paxton?"

Jasmine creased her brow, "what thing?" he tilted her head and asked.

"The sex toy in your bag," Felix smirked, with a mischievous glint in his eyes.

Huffing with her hands clenched on her side, "that is not mine!" she adamantly said. Her face heated up, painting it red, and her cheek bulged up, making her look like she had a tomato head.

Striding closer to Jasmine, Felix said, "What are you dreaming, my Paxton? You were moaning in your sleep, and you pounced on me as soon as you opened your eyes."

"Wh-what? I'm not dreaming… of an-anything. You must have been mi-mistaken," Jasmine stuttered. She put her hands up to stop Felix from coming any closer to her.

After what she dreamt and what just happened a minute ago, Jasmine couldn't look Felix in the eyes and be in close proximity with him.

She was ashamed of what was on her mind. 'How can she think Felix was saying and doing those things in her dreams?'

It was said that 'dreams are a manifestation of your heart's desires', did Jasmine unconsciously want to do all those things with Felix?

'No. It must be because of my sexual needs,' she concluded in her mind.

"Look at the time, Mister Head Warden. I should go back to my cell," Jasmine said, and tried to scurry away out of the room.

However, before she could take another step, Felix captured her hand.

Jasmine halted her step and slowly turned around, "wh-what do you want?" she asked.

"Hold on," Felix said and pulled Jasmine towards the table. He took out the extra prison clothes that he had brought for Jasmine and gave it to her.

"Take this. You get cold if you sleep in that wet clothes," he said.

Jasmine took the extra clothes from him without looking at Felix. "Thank you," she thanked him.

They stood there in silence, with Jasmine's head looking down while Felix stared at her.

"Can you let my hand go?" she asked.

Felix snapped out of his daze and released Jasmine's hand.

Jasmine quickly dashed towards the door, unwilling to stay there a second longer.

A helpless chuckle escaped Felix's mouth seeing how Jasmine was running away from him like a scared kitten. The tip of his tongue then licked the blood on his lip where Jasmine had bitten him.