A heroic act for a fake suicide

Xander and Felix were in a staring contest when suddenly the infirmary door burst open and several people walked in. There were both inmate and correctional officers that had come. The inmates all had injuries on them.

"What happened?" asked Felix.

Among the three officers that had come to the infirmary were Trent, and he answered Felix's query. "A pretense of heroic suicide saving," replied Trent.

Xander and Felix showed an enlightenment hearing what Trent said, while Jasmine was confused.

Felix had heard about this fake heroic act for a suicide attempt. It was when an inmate made another inmate pretend to commit suicide and the inmate will 'save' her. It was a way for the hero inmate to get merit points. Saving a suicide attempt would gain inmates that merit points.

Jasmine wanted to ask what Trent said means, however there was more than one inmate who was injured.