May the best man win

Felix and Xander had left the hospital after Warden Agnes convinced them to go back. Due to some circumstances, they ended up riding in the same car, Xander's car. 

"Where should I drop you?" asked Xander begrudgingly. 

"Send me to the Black River Prison. Thank you," replied Felix, while looking at the scenery outside the window. 

Xander turned towards Felix and scanned the latter, "Aren't you going home first? Even if you were so diligent with your job, shouldn't you at least go back home, wash and freshen yourself before coming to work?" said Xander. 

Felix retracted his eyes from looking out the window and turned towards Xander, "I live at the Black River Prison," he said. 

Xander snapped his head towards Felix in confusion before he focused his eyesight back on the road, "you live inside the prison? What's that even mean?" asked Xander.