Cupid's KPI

"I see. That's what happened," Felix nodded his head after listening to Jasmine's statement about the incident at the bakery workshop. 

Currently, Felix, Vince, Liana and Xander were inside Jasmine and Olivia's ward, listening and taking note of the fire incident. Xander came to the hospital as soon as his shift was over. 

Felix instructed Liana a few things about what to do once they all went back to the Black River Prison. The inmate that had started the fire would have to be taken into questioning and they had to dig deeper to know her purpose for trying to hurt Jasmine. 

When asking if there was any personal grudge between them, Jasmine shook her head, as she never wronged anybody inside the prison. Olivia backed her up as she knew the other inmates were the one who liked to bully Jasmine and not the other way around.