Officer Liu's interest

Arriving at the prison, Felix let Liana and Officer Liu brough Jasmine and Olivia to their respected cells, while he went back to his office to attend to his piling work. As what had been said in the hospital, Felix needed to pull out Olivia's file and check her merits to see her eligibility for an early release from prison. 

He would love to escort Jasmine back to his cell, however, to prevent other officers and inmates from sniffing the relationship between him and Jasmine, it was better for him to keep his distance between them. His position was still unstable, even though he held the highest authority. 

With a heavy heart, he asked Officer Zhu to escort Jasmine to her cell, and Officer Zhu was happy to oblige. Other than Xander, the other person that Felix could trust for now was Liana Zhu. 

While Liana was given the trust to escort Jasmine, Olivia was escorted by Officer Liu.