Man who cooks

Jasmine and Felix were having dinner together. Liana and Xander acted as cover, they were also having dinner together. However, while Jasmine and Felix were inside the attached bedroom in Felix's office, Xander and Liana were having dinner in the sitting area inside Felix's office. This way, both couples could spend their alone time together. 

This was the best way that Flix and Jasmine could do to have a date and get to know each other. 

They couldn't do it every day, as that would arouse suspicion from other correctional officers. Thus, they only did it twice a week on a random day when Felix was not busy. 

Other than to avoid suspicion, Jasmine didn't want Olivia to feel left out. Felix and Jasmine could see each other everyday, even if it was just a glimpse of each other. 

Forget about Liana and Xander, they don't have any restrictions on seeing each other.