Green-eyed man

Knowing that Nick was already married, Tyler didn't make any fuss after that. Although he didn't like it, he let Leila befriended Nick, and Nick's pregnant wife, Vida. 

He even allowed Leila to go out from the Xu's estate to have a picnic with Nick and Vida. 

Nick and Vida were the only friends that Leila had, and Tyler thought seeing how the couple was expecting a baby, he hoped Leila would have the desire to have her own baby, thus quickening their marriage. 

When Logan announced that Leila and Tyler would be married, Leila told her father that she was too young and needed time to see Tyler as a man. Thus, Tyler agreed to let Leila have all the time that she needed to accept him as her future husband.

However, Leila couldn't see Tyler as more than a brother. Something in her heart was pushing Tyler away.

As months passed by, Vida could no longer run around, thus it was Leila who always came to Nick and Vida's house to visit Vida.