Minutes ago inside Swift Corp office,

Luke pushed the glass door and entered the office. He held his head up and kept his gaze up front. 

"May I help you?" the receptionist of the Swift Corp asked Luke as soon as she saw him walk in. 

"Yes," Luke passed his calling card to the receptionist. It was a habit of his whenever he met someone new. Who knows who might turn to be his client? 

"Lawyer Si, how can I help you?" asked the receptionist after reading the calling card.

"I'm here to see Director Vince Heinrich," replied Luke to the receptionist.

"Alright, do you have an appointment?" asked the receptionist, while looking at the appointment list on her table. Because Luke was a lawyer, she thought Luke was here for an official visit. 

"Probably," answered Luke. It was Vince who had called him to his office.