Mingguang Temple

If one were to ask Tak Jung-Hwa how he managed to find Qin Zhen's corpse, he could only say that it was a total coincidence.

Since he touched down in China, he had been diligently chasing after Xuanlong's tracks using those illegal purchase contracts that were sent to the police station by a mysterious man. Tak Jung-Hwa was very intrigued by this person. He had also watched the surveillance footage and could tell that the man's anti-reconnaissance skill was very solid. It could even be considered professional. Period.

Now comes the most important question. Who had sent this evidence to the police station? What was their intention? Was it purely to help the police apprehend Li Mingzhao, the loyal customer to the illegal auction as well as the one who ordered Zhao Xinya to be killed, or… was there any greater scheme he had no idea of? Despite the lack of evidence, Tak Jung-Hwa tended to lean toward the latter, simply because Xuanlong was involved in it.