What Kind Of Person Is He?

Mu Yuze saved Jia Molei's house address to his notes and resolved to pay the man a visit once he got off work.

As minutes ticked by, he tried to give Jia Molei a few more calls only to end up in the voicemail every single time. Even the messages were akin to small peebles sinking into the sea, unheard and unnoticed. Unease gradually gripped Mu Yuze's heart like coiling vines and he became unable to concentrate on his work.

It couldn't be… right? Has something really happened to the crimson-haired doctor?

Because of his fierce exterior and explosive temper, Mu Yuze had subconsciously thought that no real harm would come to him. But he had forgotten the fact that the one who had gotten into an accident was not only He Juan, but Jia Molei as well. It meant… the man was not completely safe from the enemies' threat either!