What If?

A bait to lure him to the bar, and a sturdy net to make sure that he would not escape…

The line of He Juan's jaws turned rigid. He hated to admit it but what Ku Jin said made perfect sense. He Juan only went to the Queen of Spades Bar because he heard that Blue Lotus was there, but upon arriving, he could not find the man anywhere and instead, discovered a bunch of corpses who had died in a mysterious way. Before he could even wrap his head around the situation, an explosion occurred and He Juan would have definitely been half-dead had Ma Ping not covered him with his own body.

Why did Blue Lotus suddenly appear after going under radar for months? Why would it be the dingy bar of all places?

The answer was simple: it was to lure He Juan out.

But if that was the case, then he also had to admit that Ku Jin's hypothesis was true, that there was a mole within the five men who had been present in the bar last night and secretly let Blue Lotus go.