Confidential Report

Much to his surprise, Marius showed a hesitant look. "I'm not really sure about it…"

He Juan asked in confusion, "Why?"

Sighing, Marius tapped his finger on the table as he recounted his discovery, "During those few years, cases of Alphas going feral during their manifestation period had been at an all-time high. It's not something that could be buried easily, not when they showed extreme aggressive behavior. That's why I could track down their activity… but that's all. This group has always been secretive and careful not to leave anything behind. Trying to find them is no different than searching for a needle in the haystack."

He Juan nodded. Fair enough. This was a grand conspiracy that had begun forty years ago with the government as a backer. The fact that Marius could find out something without the span of five short days was nothing but miraculous. But…

He carefully observed Marius' expression and raised an intrigued brow, "But it seems like you have found another clue?"