Who Could It Be?

He Juan frowned when he found an email from Marius.

They did not have the habit of keeping in contact with each other through phone calls or messages. First, because they had their own matters and territory to tend to, which did not intersect with each other so far. And second, they preferred to grouse, complain and talk about it face-to-face over a pot of fragrant tea, plates of cookies and the fresh air from nature itself. It was like 'bro code' – a tacit understanding that was developed between the two. That's why he found it weird that Marius would reach out to him through email when they had just parted this morning.

He could only think of one possibility as to why Marius would contact him at a time like this and almost in an instant, his heart sank to the pit of his stomach. Could it be… had the man found out something more about the secret project? Another more horrible revelation, perhaps?