The Loyal Dog

Shivers ran down Dai Zhi's spine when he heard that gentle yet chilling voice.

He wrecked his brain, trying to recall who could be so audacious as to kidnap a high-ranking politician, but his mind drew an abrupt blank. He knew very well how the struggle in politics worked. Everyone might act passive-aggressively and throw out threats veiled under layers of cordiality, but they would not dare to do something like this for the risk was too high to bear if it was exposed. It was akin to sacrificing eight hundred men to kill one thousand enemies.

But if it was not his rivals from the political world, then who? As far as he remembered, he had never—

Dai Zhi's breath hitched on his throat when a name flashed through his mind. "X–XIU…?"

That's right. This kind of crude and ruffian style… who could it be if not the devil from the underworld?!