Rival In Love?

He Juan's gaze turned complicated as he stared at her. He weighed his choices before he decided to ask the second most important question, "You are the so-called mutated Alpha who's born with a high concentration of AX–03 in your body, aren't you?" It was more like a confirmation than an actual question.

Her eyes flew as wide as saucers. Whatever little color on her face drained away into a sickly hue, and that's how He Juan knew that he had finally hit a jackpot after blindly searching for months.

He Juan secretly took a deep breath to calm his agitated nerves. He could not mess things up – not when he had finally found the person he had been looking for. If things went according to the plan, she would be the key for him to uncover the truth pertaining to the repulsive secret experiment and also put a stop to the madness that had terrorized Omegas for centuries. And for that, he had to proceed with utmost caution so as to not scare away the only clue he had gotten.