Meeting The Traitor

A few days later, He Juan finally came face-to-face with Mo Feng, his ex-subordinate turned traitor to Xuanlong.

In accordance with the terms they had agreed on, they would meet in a neutral location where He Juan would not be able to kill him. But it was not like they could meet in public either, with the kind of identity they had. In the end, they settled on a high-end bar which was not included in Xuanlong's territory.

By the time He Juan arrived at the VIP room with Marius and Ye Qiu in tow, Mo Feng was already waiting for them inside.

To be completely honest, He Juan was not confident that he could hold a calm conversation with this traitor, and hence he needed Marius to hold him back in case he lost his mind in the heat of the moment. And as their discussion was related to the fate of mutated Alphas, Ye Qiu also had to tag along. Thus here they were.