Never Been So Calm

Without a pause, the two men answered in unison, "No need."

It was only at times like this that they could cooperate with each other. Either way, none of them could stand the sight of the other; if they were to stay together in the same room for a period of time, there was a high chance that they would start killing each other.

Luo Xuan was helpless, but he had no way to change their minds. "Okay, if you say so."

"Well," Ku Jin stood up in a clutter and finished his cocktail in one large gulp. "I guess I will get going because I need to track down a certain someone who has been hiding from me." He glanced at He Juan playfully as he said that, then he took out a flash drive, handing it to Luo Xuan. "Here's the thing you asked for, Boss. See ya!" He shoved his hands into his pocket and sauntered away, humming under his breath.