Wake Up, XIU

Present time, Jingnan Harbor

He Juan felt himself sinking deeper and deeper to the belly of the ocean. Icy water engulfed him, purging the air from his lungs and chilling the very marrow of his veins. Yet at the same time, there was also something familiar and soothing about the buoyancy, the weightlessness. It was as if he was suspended within a void where nothing existed but him. 

Relentless waves continued to caress him, their siren call tugging his limbs towards the abyss. 

He Juan tried to reach out, yet the surface was getting further and further away from him. A stinging sensation burned his eyes, though he could no longer tell if it's due to the salt from his own tears or the brine of the sea.

I'm sorry. I'm sorry, Xiao Ze ah… Again, I have to—