Natural Instinct

Mu Yuze occupied the shotgun seat and let the Alpha drive the car into the garage. After turning off the engine, He Juan opened the door and said, "Let's go. They have all been waiting for you."

They? Did he mean Zhong Yun and Chen Youzhi?

The question lingered in his mind even as He Juan led him through the side door. They entered a spotless and luxurious kitchen akin to those seen on cooking shows, and Mu Yuze seemed to detect the faint fragrance of food in the air, giving a touch of warmth to the cold ambience. 

Leaving the kitchen, He Juan proceeded to guide him around a grand staircase until they arrived at the living room, where three people were seated on the couch.

Wait a moment, if two of them were Chen Youzhi and Zhong Yun, then the other one was—

Entirely by reflex, Mu Yuze's gaze shifted to the only woman in the house. As she was facing the staircase, she was the first one to notice He Juan and Mu Yuze's presence.