A story : The playground

the house kept rumbling and the lightening sounds were doing no worse , natacha yelled at ralph urging him to read but at this moment ralph was not too concerned on reading " read before I squash your brain "

now that was another vicious threat which promted ralph to start reading

" the name of this story is the playground,. I shall start". ralph said as he looked at natacha in fear the house was still rumbling and he believed in no time the entire building might come crumbling down on them " when Todd's best friend jenny died his heart shattered into a thousand pieces "

" shattered heart, I like it already, " ralph was going to continue but natacha spoke before he could with a smile on her face, he also noticed that the house which sounded like a raging tsunami was now totally calm apart from the falling items one wouldn't even notice a thing even the lightening storm outside was calmed down, and now asmien was going round picking up falling stuff .

" Everyone avoided the foster playground at night, they all knew the legend. in a hour before daylight the dead kids would come out and Play"

" nope , no no no, sorry no , everyone knows that ghost's haunt places that are personal to them not public places "

again as ralph was going on with his story he was interrupted by natacha " em ' are you sure?" ralph asked but as he thought about it, he figured it all made sense

" yes I'm sure , now get on with it "

" Todd walks into the playground he felt cold and as soon as his foot crosses the threshold he saw children squeeling, playing suddenly a boy shoots out of the slide maybe he's ten or so dressed like a newsy from the twenties, .. hey dude you could at least say hi..

.. hey. I mean hi. .. Todd tried to speak but he was too cought up in shock he stammered, ...I'm looking for my friend jenny,. Todd said while looking round the playground for any sign of her. ... to find her you have to play. the newsy whistles and half a dozen dead kids surround Todd their skin was deathly white, some of their clothes stayed back decades. and the pushed Todd on a swing and flung him higher and higher ". " stupid, everyone knows ghost's don't have actual physical hand so they could never push him on a swing, amateur".

again as ralph was going on with his story natacha cut in this time he was really pissed off and he was ready to fight this to the end " the, the ' play ground is an inter dimensional plane, a mix between the real world and the spirit world and the real world, " ralph got annoyed and started blabbing nonsense he knew nothing about

" oh so you're a quantum physicist now and You've moved through the galacial realm, huh"

Ralph was speechless now, he was only trying to act smart but it seemed this woman knew far more than he could think of, he kept his mouth shut and avoided saying things he knew nothing about " whatever, continue"

" and then the children laughed and they pushed todd into a rusty Mary go round, they spin him around and around , faster and faster making Todd dizzy and dizzier, then the ghost's forced Todd into a sisaw, he holds on tight and suddenly todd realizes what the are up to. any living child still on the playground when the sun rises is cursed to remain there forever' he stumbles toward the gate desperate to get out but his world was spinning and he was stepping over his own feet cause he was too dizzy,. the sun was almost up and he was nearly out of time. all the ghost children watched in suspense todd wasn't going to make it until suddenly someone grabbed him and pulled him toward the exit, it was jenny. ... jenny I wanted to see you.. ...get out of here.. jenny says not stopping for a reunion. seeing his old friend again makes Todd's heart hurt ...I miss you and I don't want to let you go... but in death jenny discovered something that Todd was about to learn ...friend never let go Todd because friends never forget I'll always be with you here... she put her hand up to her chest as Todd did the same the sun rose slowly and she faded away with it.... the End , "

ralph ended his story asmien who was on the corner was already sobbing she somewhat took the story personally but natacha on the other hand was furious she looked more angrier than ever and added to that was the incessant rumbling of the building. everything was shaking like never before and the lightening spoke more of itself

" a happy ending" natacha said standing up in fury " are you out of your mind?, no happy endings " she raised her hand as ralph was sent saoring on empty space

now ralph was in a lot of trouble he didn't want to die in her hand so he had to fix this " Jenny, jenny' she was trapped in the playground forever and there was no happy ending for her ". ralph thought that was enough sad ending for her but it seemed even that wasn't enough as natacha still held him mid air he felt a lot of pressure fall on him " the ghost's, em ghostly hands caught Todd's back, it comes behind him and pulled him into the playground he screams for help but he got none he was trapped there with the Ghosts till this very day". bang ralph was released and he fell on the floor he felt immense pain and now the rumbling and thunder were all gone

natacha stared at him with rage but a bit calmer than before " happy endings are a dangerous thing, never forget that "

" don't you think I wrote the story and I should be the one to tell the endings?".

sigh. " writers, so insecure, you're still alive aren't you " she lifted her hands and Ralph's story book which was now on the floor floated toward her hand she picked it and looked through it as if in search of something " I'm mystified by you story teller this beautiful darkness swirls inside of you, you should celebrate it. but you run from it why ? "

" cause I want to be like everyone else"

natacha looked through the books while asking . " you wrote all this today"

ralph thought she was implying to his slow writing. " I had trouble writing today" " what ?" natacha seemed really concerned about that "

" It was hard to concentrate with someone starring at me all day "

at this moment she turned to asmien who was at the corner of the room with raging fury in her eyes " I told you show him to the library and then get out "

asmien who had tears dribbling from her eyes looked way too fighened to speak on her own behalf " wait ' wait' not her, not her " ralph turned in to save her from natacha

apart from asmien the only one around was lomar the creepy cat so the answer was obvious, she turned toward the crazy cat with anger in her eyes " you were disturbing him , it is important that he writes, you know how important it is that he writes, you know how important it is

" no it's not it's faults either" ralph thought she would at least just warn her beast friend to stop stocking him but it seemed she had no speck of emotions , she was going to kill it the moment she found out it did her wrong. she really deserved her title as a witch " well it wasn't asmiens fault and it wasn't lomar's fault then who's fault was it ?"

" mine , I don't write fast ."

" lomar won't bother you again no more excuses story teller " she says as she walks out of the room , lomar seemed to get her message as it endevored to stay away from ralph and asmien on the other hand didn't stop subbing " are you ok" ralph asked when he noticed that

" leave me alone " she says and walked out too .

" asmien I'm sorry. I wasn't trying to get you into any sort of trouble, I'm sorry. I didn't know about the no happy ending thing "

" Todd shouldn't have come back for jenny he was stupid"

" no he was her friend and that's what friends do "

" maybe in fairy tales but not in here ,. she was right about there being no happy endings, happy endings don't exist".

she turned around and walked away from sight,.

ralph was speechless , asmien was taking this really personally.

It was early in the morning and Ralph was ready to at least eat what was called breakfast in there he took a slice of bread sprinkled peanut butter over it added ketchup.. and was ready to try his new recipe but he saw something brownish floating right above his breakfast it was small half the size of his finger, he ransacked through what ever he knew it could be but this was knew, guess the house had a new surprise everyday the, Soon the brownish thing was as long as the finger of a full grown man and then ...prooom..... some substance that looked like goo came spraying over his intended meal. it smelled horrible. and then close to the table he saw a weird cat standing. it was lomar and it had just popped over Ralph's meal,.... it started at him like it was saying. '

' hey I just added hot sauce to it now you could at least say thanks'

ralph was frustrated " hmph, this place sucks "