A sad story

ralph was shocked if she wasn't the original witch then why did she have such tremendous power and why would the original witch be inside a coffin that provided mist perfume for another witch " the original witch? "

" yes, the original witch.. who by the way does eat children." natacha confirmed again

" we thought that you were the original witch we thought that the purple mist kept you young" ralph asked again This was a chance for him to know what he was into and he wasn't going to waste it .

" I don't need the purple mist to keep me young, it gives me her magic ". natacha said with a smirk she didn't mind telling them her secrets now which spooked ralph a little

" what ? how ?" ralph asked

" I was about your age when she got me there were lots of us back then.. but we weren't dumb. we knew when not to get attached because she got hungry". natacha said slowly and that going with the hissing sound coming from the coffin made it spooky

" she ate them ? ". asmien who was still cage asked curiously

" yes, hmmgh hmm hmmmm... all of them ". she said with her increasing voice which echoed loudly.

she turned around with a purple bright light shinning on her hands which displayed someone moving it looked like an hologram,. it was natacha

" and I ,. I had to clean them up .. I pretended to like her , pretended to want to be like her. I became her favorite but when I was lone I plotted my escape ". natacha said slowly.. the hologram displayed a little girl about their age in a lab doing different experiments.

" I would get her to trust me and then a sleeping potion.. and I would be free.. I ran straight home but my parents were gone ". natacha said slowly but she didn't get affected by any emotions

" they left you ? ". ralph was the one feeling the pain of her sad story.

" I had nowhere else to go so I got back here !".

pang... natacha said as she closed her hand vanquishing the images which displayed what she said..

" who cares about them? . " natacha said again.

" you were just like us.... wait the sleeping potion you were the unicorn girl " ralph thought about it and it made sense.

" hah you met my diaries ,. did you meet my pet ? " natacha said as she brought out a necklace with a unicorn figure on it. it looked heave but natacha didn't mind as she fiddled with it.

" the unicorn? . that's your pet ?"

" I made him, I make up anything I want ".

hissssssss. ...

the hissing noise was louder now and the whole place started to rumble violently now ralph knew where the rumbling came from. it was from the coffin. " so she's the one who's been shaking the apartment! " .

" if she doesn't get a scary story we're all gonna die.!!"

natacha said loudly to ralph.

" stories keep her asleep, stories of fear and suffering are like sweet lollipies to her !!"

" I don't have a story !" ralph said with fear.

" oh yes you do , tell us the reason that you wanted to destroy your nightbooks" natacha said... surprisingly after she said that the rumbling house stopped and everything cooled a little

" but that's not scary " ralph replied

". yes it was to you, all that pain and fear and sadness that you've been avoiding this whole time. tell us ". natacha said with a smirk on her face she looked happy about the story she was about to hear ... and just the same time the rumbling building started again and this time it was stronger.

" now ralph!! you think I'm a bad witch ? . wait till she wakes up and sees you so young so plump and juicy " natacha said urging ralph to tell his story .

" okay, okay I get it. I'll tell the story " ralph thought the other witch might be scarier than this one so he had no choice.

" I call this story the birthday party..." pang... a glass fell from its place on top of the coffin ... ralph told his story as he walked closer to the coffin slowly.

" there once was a boy who likes to write scary stories everyday in his free time he'd come up with new ways to write scary stories to scare his classmates. ". and now the rumbling building calmed down again but the hissing noise still kept it's echoe .

". but they just didn't get his fascination with creepy things, to them he was just weird ... what's wrong with you they'd ask .. many of them were cruel call him names like creep shell, except for Joshua, Joshua was his best friend. the boy finishes his latest bone chilling tale and was excited about it ... hey you're gonna love this one.. hey !!.. josh!!.. he catches up with Joshua after class.

ralph: wait my birthday is tonight, we turned the apartment into a haunted house, it's amazing and I've got tons of new stories ready..

Joshua talks low not wanting the others to hear.

Joshua: kaddys having a new gaming party tonight, his dad's getting a truck and everything..

ralph: but tonight's my birthday party

(ralph says he was confused and hurt his hopes sinks, he was desperate) but you are my best friend

Joshua: I was trying to be gentle..

ralph: yeah right.

Joshua : you're my friend now too.. it's just that... come on. the way you dress, the things you like you always talk about your scary stories ( that's when kaddy bursts in )

kaddy: hey man let's go.

Joshua: alright I'll see you later ralph... the boy had written story about a haunted house.. his mom and dad had turned the whole apartment to that house no one showed up not even Joshua... they made him hate the thing he loved most , they made him hate himself...the real truth is he was embarrassed to be himself so he decided to burn his nightbooks and he swore he'd never write another scary story again he could be any person but not a freak he wanted to be a normal person like josh and his friends so he wouldn't be alone .

pang ..pang .. pang ..pang pang....

natacha clapped as ralph ended his story This was what she wanted to hear it had the sadness and pain she needed...