CHAPTER 046: Cycle of A Tragedy

Yanarym had thought about it. How to make better use of Meelly, aside from making her a dessert maker. Because Meelly was an incredibly talented cook and baker. She was also a great sorcerer, once she had her ability awakened. In order to awaken her ability, Yanarym believed Meelly lose important people in her life.

She had no plan to make Meelly suffer.

As a result, Yanarym gave up on the notion of recruiting Meelly.

Though it was a shame. Yanarym needed a great cook...

This made her wonder how Caius could not fall in love with one of the eight women who were in his harem.

They were all amazing women.

Yanarym would not give an amazing woman to a man who was not able to appreciate an amazing person like Meelly.

Yanarym continued her steps as she gnawed her appetizers on her way to Karinderya. To have her meal. She was famished after all that coughing of blood.

Guide-sama: "You are literally eating, right now."

'Guide-sama, an appetizer cannot fill up the stomach.'

Guide-sama: "Normally, it can't. But the quantity of your appetizer could be considered as a meal."

"Rym, your table has been prepared on the second floor."

Yanarym was greeted by Rina as soon as she entered her favorite eatery.

"Eke cooked your favorite roasted lambs too."

"Really? I thought it would come next week?" Yanarym excitedly said.

"Yeah, the delivery was a little early. Just call me if you want more," Rina said in a hurry because a customer was calling for service.

Esme greeted Yanarym when they saw each other.

"I've prepared your newspapers."

"Thanks, Esme!"

Yanarym gestured to Esme that she was free to go. Then, Yanarym remembered her dessert as she was biting the remaining bits of her apple.

"Reserved my ice shaved. Mango flavor!" Yanarym yelled and Rina turned to her.

"All right! Do you want to try the banana?"

"Sure! Strawberries too! Thanks, Rina. Also! Also, the halo-halo!"

After that Yanarym ran to the second floor and saw her usual table filled with a feast of her favorite on the menu.

Fried chicken, a bowl of gravy, and beef steak. The roasted lamb was placed in the middle with the biggest plating. The bowl of white rice. A whole serving of chop suey, afritada, menudo, adobo, and grilled liempo! Sweet and sour tilapia, and the dish she requested last night, ginataang tilapia.

Yanarym took off her cloak as she settled to her table.

Karinderya was her haven.

She was comfortable being in her. But obviously, she could not remove her eyeglasses and wig…

Still, the foods they served here were all her Filipino cuisine favorites.

"Here is your ice shaved. Enjoy your feast, Rym." Mel came to her table and put three pieces of ice shaved with her meals.


"Wait! Wait! Where's my halo-halo? Are you serving halo-halo for today? Or did you run out of ingredients?" Rina smiled and almost laughed at her.

She had her three shaved iced already, and she wanted halo-halo too.

"Unfortunately, we are still out of ingredients."

"What a shame."

"Maybe tomorrow, we'll have it."

"I hope so."

Rina left her alone this time. Yanarym took the leg of fried chicken and dipped it in the gravy.

Guide-sama: "Hands. Wash hands."

Yanarym frowned. "My hands are not that dirty."

Guide-sama: "Just wash your hands, Yanarym."

Yanarym did not listen and took a bite.

Guide-sama: "Yanarym!"

"Fine!" Yanarym placed her fried chicken back on her plate and thrashed her feet on the floor.

She went to the nearest washroom and thoroughly but abruptly washed her hands.


Guide-sama: "Yes."

Yanarym returned to her table and took her friend's chicken and before she could have another bite Guide-sama rang on her head again.

Guide-sama: "Princess Jasmine is being reprimanded by Queen Eriela."

"Is it over?" Yanarym asked as her hand was hanging in mid-air.

Guide-sama: "Not yet."

"Where's Liezel?"

Guide-sama: "Just on the corner."

Yanarym remained quiet and just took a bite from her fried chicken.

She also grabbed a piece of roasted lamb. The texture was so soft that each bite would melt in her mouth.

Guide-sama: "Queen Eriela is whipping Princess Jasmine."


Guide-sama: "Yes?"

"I'm having a meal."

Guide-sama: "I know."


Guide-sama: "So?"

"...LET ME EAT! What am I supposed to do? Should I rush over to Eriela's palace to stop her from abusing her daughter? Why are you telling me in detail?"

Guide-sama: "Why are you mad? I'm just telling you the situation."

"I appreciate your effort! But how could I eat in peace if you are telling me that Jasmine is being whipped?! Are you trying to guilt trip me?"

Guide-sama: "I'm not. Why would you be guilty? Aren't you glad that they are being punished? Although Princess Liezel was not really suffering from anything."

"What do you mean? Why would I be glad that they're being punished?"

Guide-sama: "Aren't they your enemies?"

"What? No!"

Guide-sama: "They're not?"

"They are not. So, for now, let me eat in peace, all right? Can you do that? I don't want to lose my appetite."

Guide-sama: "... all right."

Yanarym sighed and extended her arm to get the other dish that was served but halted for a second. She was not aware of how severe those two princesses were going through their mother. Because it was not mentioned in the story and not shown in the memory of the Original.

She had been sneaking their thoughts every time they came to visit her. Make her room a little warm with poisons.

Observing them in the span of three weeks was not enough time to get to know them entirely. She got some insight, and it was not enough to judge or interpret their characteristics as a person.

One thing was for sure every type of character in this world was broken somewhat beyond repair. Everyone had gone through all the adversities from the adults.

She could not even blame the adults for doing what they were doing. It was just a domino effect of the suffering they received from the older generation.

It was a cycle and a tragedy…