CHAPTER 048: Queen’s Tool

The exhausting and brutal punishment by Queen Eriela had ended; along with the sobbing and heavy breathing that dominated the queen's boudoir for a while.

None of the three women were initiating any words that could placate the uncomfortable ambiance between them.

Princess Jasmine was kneeling, both her hands were stuck on the floor to support her body, she did not want to collapse at this moment.

Her hair was scattered on her face which was damp with tears, snot, sweat, and stain of blood. Her expression could not be distinguished. She was clenching her jaw, biting her wounded lips, and squinting her eyes that were reddened from tears.

Oddly enough, she was worn out, her body could not feel anything, and she was too numb. Which she assumed was a good thing only that she could not feel anything that it did not feel like she was still in there. She felt like she was dead, yet her mind was so sensitive—as if it were alive.

Contrary to Princess Jasmine who was analyzing everything that would happen next after the punishment; Princess Liezel had her thoughts blanked except that she was repeatedly saying in her mind, like a chant, that she would kill Princess Yanarym and make the first princess writhe an agonizing torture like her older sister went through.

The third princess was stuck in her place during the hell period as well; she had not budged a muscle the entire time Queen Eriela was whipping Princess Jasmine. She was too terrified to make movements and create a sound to make her presence known. And too petrified of the idea that it was her in Princess Jasmine's position; being punished, getting whipped, wailing from pain, and begging for forgiveness.

She was just standing there like a beautiful mannequin that was displayed in the chamber.

Queen Eriela had poured all of her emotions into beating Princess Jasmine. The confusion she had from the sudden changes of the events she had not anticipated; the embarrassment she felt when she was mocked in front of so many people.

The nervousness…

The fear was caused by seeing Yanarym who had an identical appearance to Eulasha whom she loathed and envied her entire life.

The sadness was devouring her as she involuntarily remembered the past.

The immense outrage overflowed from everything of her.

She did not have an ounce of guilt at seeing her eldest daughter down on her knees bleeding and having visible wounds that almost skinned her precious back.

The Queen was even disappointed that the whip did not have thorns on it.

For a moment there, Queen Eriela would not care if Princess Jasmine would die in her eyes.

In every slash that would land on Princess Jasmine's body, she had the pure intention of ending its life.

"That…" Queen Eriela inhaled deeply, "That should be enough. my anger has not subsided, Young Lady." She uttered dryly as she settled herself on the edge of the bed.

"M-mother," Princess Liezel said when she did not hear any more sounds of slashing or crying. She veered to look at her sister and her mother.

Queen Eriela was sitting on the edge of the bed staring ominously at Princess Jasmine who was slumped bare standing on her own on the floor.

"I think… Jasmine should be confined in her bedchamber for a long time. Seeing her won't be good for your health."

Queen Eriela shifted her attention to Princess Liezel, which made the third Princess stunned in her position. Although her voice was not trembling, nor sounded scared, or nervous, she was having internal conflict and chaos.

"That's too nice of you, my Daughter," Queen Eriela's mellow voice reached their ears. She smiled graciously, her hand took a handkerchief and elegantly wiped the sweat on her forehead, blood on her palm, and on the whip.

Almost as though Queen Eriela had not previously possessed such a terrifying visage and brutal character.

Princess Jasmine's arms staggered to give up and her body stumbled on the carpet. Her breath was heavy and frayed, she might be insane to think of it, but her situation felt ridiculous.

She wanted to laugh.

Her mother just called her sister 'daughter,' while she was the 'young lady.'

It felt so hilarious each time this scene would play out to the three of them.

Queen Eriela turned her head to Princess Jasmine who was bleeding on the floor, her eyes were still filled with indignant emotions.

Despite pouring out everything on beating Princess Jasmine, there was anger that never left her chest.

No matter how Queen Eriela was convinced she would not be able to forgive Princess Jasmine for what had happened today.

"You could let one of your slaves take care of Princess Jasmine," she said to Princess Liezel.

"Yes, I will do as you say, Mother," Princess Liezel replied with a smile, "Is there anything else I can do to alleviate your anger?"

Queen Eriela sighed, she threw the whip she was holding and pressed her right temple with her fingertips as she closed her eyes.

"Nothing, my sweet daughter."

"How about taking a relaxing bath, Mother?" Princess Liezel said.

"After this uneventful day, Mother should have time to rejuvenate her energy." She ambled in Queen Eriela's direction and went to massage her mother's shoulders.

"Should I call for someone to prepare the most grandiose and soothing bath for mother? It worries me that you had to strain yourself because of today, Mother."

"You are a very sensible girl, I'm glad that there's one useful daughter that came from me."

"Don't mention it, Mother." Princess Liezel chuckled softly and continued to add pressure on her fingertips to Queen Eriela's shoulders to make her relax somehow.

Princess Jasmine blinked her eyes as she blankly stared at what was across from her. The lovely interaction between a daughter and a mother.

She had gotten used to this spectacle years before. She had long accepted that she was a daughter her mother would never acknowledge.

She was content to be considered the Queen's tool.