CHAPTER 078: A Swindler

"Oh, my. Pardon, my lord, but we've run out of ice," Esme said and averted her eyes to Yanarym.

Yanarym looked at her table with four cups of cold dessert in extra-large bowls. Well, she wanted it to melt… so she could drink it. It was not her fault either way, she had always ordered four special bowls of halo-halo.

Guide-sama: "You should have just ordered juice. He wants to have halo-halo so badly."

Khaleel shifted his eyes to the table where the waitress was looking and saw the four huge bowls of halo-halo melting.

'What exactly is he thinking? I can't imagine him wanting it so bad.'

Guide-sama: "Will she sell it if I ask her if I could buy it? No, she'll probably get scared the moment I talk to her. I should just leave."

After some seconds of looking at Khaleel and reading his mind through Guide-sama. In addition, she did not see any shadow of Cain following her wife, and Yanarym instantly calmed down.