CHAPTER 089: Can I Call This Dating?

"We can ride on the way to the Plaza, or we can walk there. What do you prefer?"

He did not bother to take a glance at the road to look at the carriage.

Without actually seeing his eyes, she still could feel the intensity of his stares.

With that, her heart was beginning to beat faster. She could also feel her cheeks burning— without a doubt, she was blushing with his attention fixated on her.

'This is really what call the inevitable connection between the royal blood? There's no better explanation of it.' She thought, she wanted to deny the emotions rippling on her judgment.

"Walk… is okay with you?" He asked.

His voice was apathetic, there was no emotion in it.

It was cold and passive, which made it sound so manly. If she added her assertion of his personality, Yanarym could not think of him as a rude or bash person.

Rather, all she could think of how adorable his thoughts were.

She smiled and nodded, "I'm fine walking."