CHAPTER 126: Tap The Edge


Yanarym turned at the table where she took every single thing out of her satchel. She just realized this now, but she was like Doraemon, Dora, or Uncle Grandpa who had everything in their magic bag.

She looked for an air refresher and as soon as she found one, she sprayed it in every corner of the room.

"Does this make it safe though?" Yanarym wondered. It was not like the air refresher would eliminate the other air substance, it only overlapped the smell. "Should I just go to an empty room and make her stay there? Aliah would not even dare to look at other rooms besides my bedroom."

Yanarym looked around the room and it did not take long to be decided that she should just make Fin stay in another and safer room. Leaving her here earlier made her talk but that did not mean there was no hazard in this enclosed space.