CHAPTER 136: Clean Freak Fin

Yanarym had just finished returning the glassware, silverware, utensils, and glasses to the food cart while Fin stood atop the bed clutching the edge of the stained blanket.

"We need to change the blanket," he said. "Insects will go up here if there's food."

Yanarym rubbed her temple as she had not anticipated Fin's interest in cleanliness.

Earlier, he seemed unperturbed by his soiled clothes and the unhygienic state of her laboratory, even though she had attempted to clean the tunnel, it was not entirely free of dirt. So, why did he suddenly feel the urge to tidy up? Did he always possess this inclination, or was it a result of his reaction to her untidiness?

"Or!" Yanarym exclaimed, "Or we can just shake the blanket to remove the scraps," she said to him and smiled wildly hoping he would buy that simple solution.