CHAPTER 155: To Be Apart From Her



Yanarym cupped Fin's little chubby cheeks in her palms and squeezed his face. She bit her lips as she was controlling herself not to squeeze him in a painful way.

But it was so hard to do so! She felt like she was put in a torture chamber.

His teary big brown eyes fit him perfectly as his blue eyes did. His white hair was somehow wet still, so he had such a wet guilty puppy look. She could imagine how his imaginary puppy ears were dropping as so as his tail.

She could squeak because of his cuteness.

He sniffed again and that brought Yanarym back to reality.

'Seriously, how can he be so adorable when he is crying? He is also adorable when he is behaving like an adult. Ack! I feel like I received a blessing and curse,' Yanarym internally struggled as she wanted to somehow torment Fin a little longer so he would not stop crying.