CHAPTER 168: Unsophisticated and Unrefined Yanarym

Upon entering the Adamas Palace, Aliah's exhausted appearance was noticeable with her heavy under-eye bags and fatigued facial expression. It was evident that she had lacked proper rest for the last night, however, she seemed to be breaming with compassion and motivation as well.

Today marked the highly anticipated public unveiling of the first Princess, and Aliah was determined to ensure that Princess Yanarym looked immaculate.

After all, it had been a decade since the Princess had last appeared in front of the people's eyes.

Aliah arrived with a cart laden with an assortment of makeup, perfumes, essential oils, and other necessities for the Princess's preparation. She had spent the night before preparing everything, following the first Princess's instruction to take a rest and graciously forgive her for her recent betrayal.