CHAPTER 175: An Altar

Yanarym looked at Aliah who was sound asleep on the bed, lying on her stomach with drool on her cheek. She appeared to be in a deep slumber and enjoying her dreams. Yanarym could see it from the mirror and couldn't help but chuckle at Aliah's state. It was evident that Aliah was exhausted and grateful for the unexpected rest she was getting.

Yanarym successfully transported Aliah to the bed, albeit with some effort and fatigue on her arms. However, she was able to utilize the bedsheet to make the process easier. Though it resulted in a disheveled bed and Yanarym's arms feeling heavy and tired, the important thing was that Aliah was now resting on the bed instead of the floor. Yanarym then proceeded to put on her makeup since all the necessary tools and items were readily available.

"Are you waking up now?" Yanarym asked Aliah who was opening her eyes after minutes or an hour of passing out.