CHAPTER 219: Holding You

Once Yanarym stored everything she bought for Fin in her sling bag, she turned to look at Khaleel who was standing so still, that someone might have mistaken him for a statue. 

She couldn't help but giggle at his cuteness. 

She missed him so much! 

It must be the effect of the Tadhana but it didn't matter to her anymore. She thought that this kind of feeling, she should cherish it while it lasts. Also, whenever Khaleel circulated in her mind, her heart and brain were comfortable. It might not be that bad to fall in love… 

She always thought that falling in love was a dangerous thing, but she had died before. Not only once- 

She met many men and became into a relationship with them but nothing felt like this. 

This might be cheating in a sense because Khaleel and her had a curse within them. But she had no time to deal with or eliminate the curse. It was not even part of the task.