Chapter 3: The Virtual Experience

When Kaya arrived at his room, he was surprised at how spacious it was, the bedroom had a king-size bed, and his wardrobe had a lot of variations of clothes being hanged and folded. He also had a mirror that was as big as himself along with some products that smelled good.

Beside the bed were a computer and a giant pod.

'That pod must be the virtual cabin uncle was talking about.' Goodman had given Kaya a brief explanation of how the virtual cabin differentiated from basic virtual helmets. Virtual helmets had a synchronization rate of 90% while Virtual cabins had 98.5℅ and although the synchronization rate on each product only differed by a small margin, the difference was like heaven and earth. The higher the synchronization rate, the more realistic the virtual reality was. Other than the synchronization rate difference, the virtual gaming cabin also had its many benefits. When using the virtual helmet, an average person could play at most 9-12 hours in real-time before getting mentally taxed, the virtual cabin made it possible to play 24 hours in real-time while still maintaining the body in its peak conditions.

Kaya started inspecting the virtual pod and when he pressed a button on its side, the cabin's door opened and at the same time, the door in his room also opened revealing a robust man who had a bald head wearing black shades and in his hands held a tray of food.

"Greetings young master! I have brought upon you your food. I am Keith, your assistant, anything you wish, simply ask me, and ill do my best to give you a satisfactory result." Keith bowed to greet Kaya. Seeing that Kaya was rummaging through the pod, he quickly burst in to help him.

"Young master, let me help you! I'll teach you how to make an account."

"Ah, okay." Keith placed Kaya in the pod's seat comfortably and checked the system to make sure that there were no problems, then he closed the pod's door. Immediately, a chip stuck through his nape which immediately caused Kaya to lose consciousness.

When he opened his eyes, he found himself in a blue space and he was naked.

"Young master, can you hear me?" Keith spoke on the microphone on the computer and Kaya was immediately surprised by the sudden reverberation of the voice.

"Keith? Where are you? I can't see anything, It seems I'm floating in some space." Kaya said as he examined his surroundings looking for the source of the voice.

"Don't worry, I am outside young master. You are currently in a virtual space and this is where you will customize your character. Once the chip had been processed to your neurons, it will quickly examine your body and if I guess, you're currently naked right?" Keith assured Kaya.

"Yes, wait a minute, you can see me?" Kaya was shocked as he quickly covered his groin.

"Don't worry young master, I can only transmit my voice in this space and I am unable to see anything that is happening," Keith explained.

"So what should I do now?" Kaya asked.

"Do you see that holographic gear icon on your front? Please touch it."

Kaya looked around and surely he found a small white gear icon. He then pressed the icon and quickly, a giant holographic panel appeared in his view showing a bunch of features that he could barely comprehend.


"Now that you've pressed it young master, you'll be transported to a customization panel where you can customize your avatar to your own choice. You can name your player and change how you look. I advise that young master will change his looks just enough so you wouldn't be distinguished from what you look in real life and it would also be good if you don't use your real name for security reasons." Keith suggested to Kaya who quickly understood his words.

"Ah, I get it!" Kaya started customizing his avatar. He could see his miniature self on the panel wearing a set of dirty white shirts and brown pants. When he scrolled through the side of the hair section, he could see his hair change, after finding the hair he wanted, he chose to change from his previous hair which had yet been cut, the long sleek hair that was to a ponytail. In the next, part, he changed the color of his eyes from the usual brown into a darker shade of black, then his lips and jawline slightly smaller. Even such a small difference made it look like he was a different person, but if one looked at it intently, one would be able to tell that the two were the same people. He also removed the scars on his body and was surprised, to see his body thar had no wounds. It looked nothing like him.

"Let's name it, Alon." Alon means 'The waves of the ocean' and just like the waves, he wanted to be free and flow to where the tide goes. After pressing the finish button, he was quickly sent to another window panel which had a buffering screen showing the words 'Synchronizing Body'.

"What's this 'Synchronizing Body'?" Kaya asked in curiosity.

"Oh that, it is analyzing the battle prowess of your body to give the most accurate status you can get. This procedure will take some time depending on how intricate or powerful your body is, if you have a skill that has already been ingrained in your mind, it will turn that skill into an innate talent that can vary depending on your neural records. Usually, an average human would have a balance attributes of 10 points, if you are academically abled or simply smart in real life, you'll find your intelligence attribute higher than normal, if you are an athlete and has high speed in real life, you'll get higher agility attribute or if you are a fighter and rely on brute Force, you could have a high attribute on your strength attribute. Normally, a professional fighter would have 20+ points in their attributes while those powerful experts could have 30+ points in their strength and agility attributes. There was also this one player who had an IQ of 200 in real life and the virtual game, his intelligence attribute reached 60 points, that alone made that player overly powerful, giant guilds quickly scouted that player, and now that player became one of the most powerful magicians in the game."

Keith said as he couldn't help but get chills as he thought of those gifted players although he had 30 points in strength and 20 points in agility when he started, compared to those Apex players, he was nothing more but a joke.


[Body Synchronization Completed]

"It's finally done!"

"Oh really! Wait, don't tell me what your attributes are, it's a rookie move to show your attributes to others since they might use this to take advantage of you so make sure to keep your attributes a secret unless you trust this person with your heart." Keith advised Kaya and although he wished to know Kaya's attributes, he disregarded that thought.

'Since he is the chairman's son, he surely must be at the level of experts, and even if he isn't, he should at the very least be at the level of a professional fighter.' Keith imagined Kaya's future in the game with a smile on his face.



Race: Human

Status: Commoner

Title: None

Class: None

Level: 0

Rank: Awakened (Early)

Strength: 94

Agility: 93

Intelligence: 67

HP: 9800/9800

MP: 670/670

Status points: 0]

[Innate Talent/s]

[Combat Master: Due to your knowledge of many martial arts, when in combat, attributes increase by 10%. Skill and technique proficiency is boosted by 20%]

[Absolute Sense: Having experienced countless dangers has granted you an enhanced sensitivity to the 6 senses]

[Firm Resolve: You have faced foes stronger than you by leaps and bounds yet you maintained strong. Your will has been strengthed that strong pressure and aura will not faze you. Fear effect of the same tier will be nullified while effects of a higher tier is resisted by 50%. Facing opponents higher than your level increases your attributes by 5% and increases 10% experience gain if the said opponent is defeated]

[Quick Learner: You learn skills and techniques very quickly]

[Fortified Body: Countless scars and wounds reside in your body which records the many fights you've faced. You have witnessed death loom with your own eyes thus giving you the strength to fend them off. Your body can absorb 20% of the damage received in return, converts the absorbed damage to an increase in stamina. If health drops below 10%, defense is increased by 50% and attributes are enhanced by 20%]

'So these are my attributes, I guess being put in such harsh conditions molded me with this status, I had also granted me quite a couple of innate talents. Do players usually get this many innate talents? If not, I might just be fortunate to be at the level of the expert. With this, I'll make sure not to let grandpa down.'. Kaya puffed his chest as he proceeded to press continue, the next part, a wonder panel consisting various of settings of places appeared in his view.

"It says to choose a location, what location should I choose?" Kaya asked Keith.

"The best options are to go to Violet Town, Red Iron Town, Ash Blood Town, or Armored Steel Town, those places are bustling with players and NPC, the monsters there are weak and give a good amount of exp so you could level relatively fast. You could also choose to go with a party by joining a group of players in a hunt, although the experience gained is less, you can quickly farm some monsters while having the low risk of dying and losing your hard earned experience. The other option is Red Town, Blue Town, Greenville Town, or Dark Fist Town, those places have low numbers of players and NPCs but a lot of monster fields to hunt, careful though, the monsters there are relatively strong but they give huge experience but PK frequently happens in that area so I don't recommend it. PK is when a player kills another player for loot and experience where they steal your money and items, and you'll also lose a chunk of your experience but in return, the player who killed will become red players where the names will be dyed in red and if you kill those red players, they drop a lot more loot and experience, they also get heavy punishment from the system that causes them to not be able to log in for 2 or more days depending on how many players the PKer has killed. By killing PKers you won't get a punishment by the system and you will be rewarded but I still recommend not going those area since PKers usually gang up in groups to harass a single player. Leveling would be very hard for you. If you choose Ash Blood Town, there's a chance I could find you young master and I'll add you as friends so I can carry you on a bus so you could quickly level up. I'm already a level 56 Tier 1 warrior so helping you level up to 20 will be a piece of cake." Keith advised Kaya who smiled in response wondering what will Kaya choose.

"Thanks for the tip. Hmmm... Let me see." Kaya started checking each one of the locations, reading their descriptions but one location piqued his interest.

'Greenville town is a beginner town surrounded by forests and monsters that live in the lush green forest. I've lived my life covered in the shade of trees so choosing this location will give me an upper hand over the others, even if I met dangerous monsters or players, I'd be happy to face them.' Kaya lived with death always chasing him from behind so this had become second knowledge to him. Without having second thoughts, Kaya chose Greenville Town.


[You will be teleported to Greenville Town]