Chapter 6: Satiating My Hunger


[Great Alpha Wolf(0)] [Special Elite Monster]

Level: 45

HP: 170,000/170,000

When the information about the monster popped out of his view, Alon couldn't help but grit his teeth. He had long thought that this alpha wolf had been quite different than what the information that Keith had given him. A Great Alpha Wolf had two skills: Call of the Pack and Alpha Roar, Call of the Pack lets the wolf summon 30-40 wolves yet this wolf managed to summon over 90 of them. That one flaw already confused him a lot and had thought it might have been a mistake in Keith's case. The description also showed that it was a Grey wolf yet in front of him was a white wolf. He knew that something was off and after seeing the information, only then did it answer his doubts.

It was a Special Elite Monster.

Unlike elite monsters, special elite monsters were a very rare case, it was even rarer than rare ranked monsters. Not only were its attributes triple that compared to a normal elite monster, but it also had very high intelligence and additional skills. That in itself made it a very difficult foe. Although it was a Field boss monster, special elite monsters were the strongest type of non-boss monsters a player could encounter on the field. From this case, this wolf might just be the strongest field monster a player could encounter in a starter town.

'This is gonna be fun.' Alon etched a grin and his eyes burned with eagerness to fight. The alpha wolf lunged itself at him with both of its claws on the front, ready to swipe him.


The wolf was very fast that Alon could barely dodge it by a breath of a hair but he didn't waste a moment as he counterattack it by swiping the stake at one of its limbs trying to slow it down.


[Skill proficiency has reached 103%; the damage has been increased by 315%]


'Too shallow.' Although the damage was quite high, the hide of the wolf was very tough to cut thus he was only capable of dealing with a flesh wound. Still, that damage was enough to trip the wolf to the ground.

The wolf squealed like a bitch but quickly stood up with anger in its eyes. Baring its fangs, it let out a defeaning howl that caused supersonic waves to push away Alon but using the stakes, he stabbed the bones at the ground so he wouldn't be flung away in the air.


[The Great Alpha Wolf has activated Alpha Roar]

[You have been inflicted by Fear!

Attributes have fallen by 30%]

[Firm Resolve has nullified Fear!]


Having a temporary loss in attributes would quickly put him at a disadvantage. Thankfully, his innate talent made it so that he'd be immune to any Fear effect of the same tier. Alon slowly stood up and seeing that its roar wasn't able to affect the human at all, the alpha was taken by surprise, unhesitatingly canceling its skill.


[Skill proficiency has reached 60%; movement speed increased by 60%]

With the added movement speed from the skill, Alon quickly leaped up in the air to attack the stunned alpha wolf. Before it could evade, Alon stabbed both of its eyes by digging the stake deep through its sockets as it yelped in pain.

[Critical strike has been inflicted! Doubles the damage]


[Critical strike has been inflicted! Doubles the damage]


The damage he dealt to the alpha wolf was a lot higher than he expected. It seemed that dealing damage through its weak points automatically activated a critical strike. Its health quickly fell to 30%, the alpha wolf howled at the pain as it tried to flick Alon away but Alon remained steady as he held both the stakes in its eyes. Suddenly, its fur trembled as lightning sparks spread out in its body. Alon quickly notice that its mouth started to glow as if it was about to spit out some sort of blue fire so knowing that he was in blank point range of the attack, he performed a somersault by kicking the jaw of the wolf to try and redirect the attack away from him.

[The Great Alpha Wolf has activated Thunderbolt!]


A ball of lightning flew out of its mouth and it shot like an arrow. Alon was still in mid-air so he tried to avoid the attack but unfortunately, he was late by a split second causing his entire left leg to disintegrate leaving a scorched thigh.


The magic damage quickly depleted his health by 10%. Alon was stunned by this predicament as he was flung away crashing to the ground. Thankfully, he was cushioned by the soft corpses of the wolves but it didn't remove the stinging pain he was feeling in his left leg. He could only grit his teeth in pain until blood poured out from his mouth.

He was placed in a very dangerous situation since now he couldn't stand up after losing the lower part of his leg. Fortunately, the wolf had been blinded so it couldn't finish him no matter what it did but suddenly, it halted its steps.


'Fucking smart wolf.'

Alon couldn't help but smile after seeing the wolf stand still in his direction. Even if it had lost its sight, it still had its super sensitive nose. Although it could smell the pungent iron smell of the blood from the scattered corpses, it could trace the faint smell of scorched meat. Only in a moment did it bare its fangs again after finding Alon's scent, running at him at full speed.


The great Alpha Wolf opened its mouth and was ready to bite through Alon's head as its sharp teeth were about to chew him up. Alon held both of its upper and lower front teeth with his bare hands while the sharp serrated teeth dug through his palms.


"Arrgh!!" Alon groaned in pain as he could hardly stop it from closing its mouth and if he didn't do anything, it wouldn't be long before he'd be killed by the wolf.

'Even with the added attributes from the Fortified Body, it's still not enough! Its bite force is already overwhelming my strength!'

Alon's muscle veins bulge as his face turned red. He could barely hold his mouth from closing while his arm was trembling from the desperate struggle.

[The Great Alpha Wolf has activated Thunderbolt]

'Fuck that's cheating! Wait!' Alon was quickly hit by a realization. Using his thoughts to open his status, he saw that he had free 40 status points. Without hesitation, he distributed all of it to his strength quickly giving him a boost of power.



Race: Human

Status: Commoner

Title: None

Class: Warrior (Tier 0)

Level: 4 (76%) +8 (11%)

Rank: Awakened (Early)

Strength: 114 +40

Agility: 105

Intelligence: 67

HP: 1030/10200 +800

MP: 510/670

Status points: 40 -40]

His once trembling arm had relaxed. As the ball of lightning reached its throat, Alon mustered all of his strength into his arms breaking the entire jaw of the alpha wolf and ending its life. Its body slumped on its own as dozen window panels popped out of his view.


[You have slain the Great Alpha Wolf!]

[Level difference: 33, experience gain +660%]

[Level Up!]

[Level Up!]

[Level Up!]



[Thunder Boots (Tier 1, Unique) has been obatined]

[Lightning Stone has been obtained]

[System: Congratulations! For soloing a special elite monster, you have been granted 10 points to all attributes]

[System: You are the first player to solo an opponent with 30 levels above you. You have received the title: Weak Hero]

[Weak Hero: When facing opponents 10 levels above you, increases attributes by 20%. Temporarily increases a tier when facing against an opponent of a higher tier (Effect disappears after leaving combat). If you manage to solo the opponent, doubles the experience gain and increases loot gain by 20%]

"Hah, that was fun but now I'm hungry." With his wounds, amputated leg, and the heavy corpse of the alpha wolf covering his body, he couldn't move or stand up. He opened his inventory and retrieved one barley bread and started eating it.

[Barley Bread

Type: Consumable

Heals HP by 10 every second. Effect stackable by 5 times.

Duration: 10 seconds]

After eating all 10 barley bread, his health was still in critical condition. His stomach grumbled and hunger completely overcame his body. Having no other choice, he started eating the fresh corpse of the monsters. A monster corpse would naturally disappear after 15 hours and the longer the corpse is left, the more it would rot turning it inedible. Fortunately, only 10 minutes had passed since he had massacred all of the wolves from start to end so all the corpses were still fresh.

He first started eating the alpha wolf that was currently sitting on top of his body. He ripped off its skin to reveal the muscles which he started munching with no trouble as the body had become relatively soft and became easy to chew. Despite the bland taste and the bitter aftertaste, Alon had no trouble consuming the meat as he was used to doing this stuff back in the forest.

From what he had read, it was possible to eat monster meat raw. By eating a certain amount of raw meat, health would start to regenerate, although the healing effect was only in small chunks, it was enough to satiate one's hunger. Even with such a benefit, players rarely eat raw monster meat as not only do they find it disgusting, one would get food poisoning after a certain amount of time chewing on the meat. Such poison slowly depleted one's health points every second so the added healing properties of the raw meat would simply go to waste since you'd lose more of your health than what you could gain from it. It was better to stock up with health potions since not only was it cheap, and they had a short cooldown and gave better regenerative effects, and also tasted good. Unless one was desperate, they shouldn't eat raw monster meat.

Rumor has it that eating raw monster meat could randomly give a point on an attribute and though this rumor had been verified to be true, the chances of getting a point were relatively low so nobody dared to do it.

Alon, couldn't care less about that information as his mind told him to simply chow down the meat until he was full.

+120 HP

+120 HP

After a few moments of nonstop eating, he started to see his health increase by chunks so he didn't stop and devoured more meat since the longer he ate, the taste of the raw meat became better and better.


[You have been inflicted with Food Poisoning!]

[Health points will be depleted by 30 points every second.

Duration: 15 seconds]

'Shit!' Seeing that he had been poisoned, he suddenly felt an aching sensation in his stomach as his face flushed green. He puked out the unprocessed meat which showed that the system was giving him signs that he should stop eating and buy an antidote. Yet he didn't stop, not only was he penniless, the town was 5 hours away and he was currently crippled.

He should've been slowed down from the poisoning but the determination helped hasten the speed of his eating. He began to devour more and more meat as the healing and poisoning continued to pop up in his view. Fortunately, the poisoning didn't stack its effectivity but simply increased the duration of the effect unfortunately, the puking sensation didn't disappear as he continued to puke with no end.

With his speed, his health slowly increased, and was able to overtake the poisoning. He started to consume more meat than what he could vomit.

After 30 minutes, he was able to devour the entire alpha wolf leaving only the bones and inedible parts. He also found a monster core inside its stomach.


[Special Elite Monster Core (1)

Type: Material

An ingredient that can be used to craft equipment and alchemy.

+15% chance of crafting Epic equipment

+15% chance of brewing an Advanced potion

+10% chance of applying a skill to the product

+20 Lightning element]

'Neat but it's no use to me.' The core was the size of a pebble and it was emanating a bluish glow as lightning sparks crackled on its surface. He placed it in his inventory and thought about selling it. He didn't know how much he could earn from the core if he sold it but seeing its use and the fact that it came from a special elite monster, it should pay a hefty price.

'If I sold this hide, I might earn a few silver coins.'

On his other hand was the whole hide of the alpha wolf. Using a sharpened bone, he was able to thoroughly remove the skin of the alpha wolf leaving him with a material that also granted him skill for skinning. He had already mastered skinning since he had a hobby of making clothes out of animal hide, although his sewing skills were subpar at best, he could still make basic clothing like shirts and pants.


[Great Alpha Wolf Hide (1)

Type: Material

A material that can be used to craft armor and sew clothes. It has a high resistance against lightning elements and is superconductive with electricity.

+10% physical resistance

+20% magical resistance

+10% chance of applying a skill to the product

+10 Lightning element]

[Skinning (0): Allows the removal of skin/hide of a dead monster.]

'Fuck! I'm still hungry!' Alon couldn't help but swear inwardly as his stomach continued to rumble. He didn't gain any weight from eating which was quite a shock for him since he had just consumed a monster twice his size. He also still had the food poisoning active since its duration had reached 6 minutes so he didn't waste a second and started eating the scattered Great Wolves on the ground.

The scorched thigh had long disappeared and he could see his missing leg regenerate at a visible rate. The healing process was very painful but the fact that eating raw meat showed an effective response, he wasted no time and devoured another wolf.

While eating the wolf, he also started skinning it and every time he finished skinning, his proficiency in the skill increased by 1%. Usually, productive skills have a very slow increase in their proficiency which rates from 0.1% to 0.5%, the fact that Alon could gain 1 % after skinning a monster showed the effectiveness of his technique that he had polished for years.


[+1 Agility]

[Great Wolf Hide (0)

Type: Material

A material that can be used to craft armor and sew clothes.

+15 physical defense

+10 magical defense]

Compared to the Great Alpha Wolf Hide, the property of this hide was a joke. The difference between each hide was like copper and gold. As fortunate as he was, he was even lucky to obtain a single-point increase in one of his attributes after eating the wolf. He also obtained its monster core which just like the alpha wolf's core, the Great Wolf's core was comparatively shittier in terms of properties and smaller in terms of size.

After finishing on a Great Wolf, he placed the hide on his inventory and proceeded to the next Great Wolf. His speed in the eating and skinning process had increased significantly, now he could devour an entire wolf in 10 minutes. Although the healing effect only gave him 60 HP, the food poisoning didn't trigger frequently unlike the alpha wolf meat but he still vomited a lot.

After a few hours of skinning and devouring, he was able to obtain 80 more hides and cores almost reaching the 100-piece quota for his quest. He also earned 10 free status points: 4 intelligence, 4 strength, and 2 agility. The most bountiful reward of all was a new skill that he obtained.

[Monster Eater(0)HEAL: When eating monster meat, healing effectivity has increased by 20%, and consumption speed is increased by 30%. Food Poisoning will be resisted by 40% and increases the chance to gain more attribute points.]

With this skill, the devouring process was greatly increased. The health that was given to him had increased by a chunk and the food poisoning's effectivity dropped significantly. Now he could overtake the poisoning by a large margin and the best part of it was that he now rarely puked.

2 hours passed and he was able to devour all of the wolves. As a result, he obtained 68 more wolf hide and cores. His leg had been fully healed and the food poison now only had a minute of its duration. He also earned free 13 status points: 6 Strength, 4 Agility, and 3 intelligence. His Monster Eater skill proficiency rose by 6% and was still far before he could level it up to the next tier.

Now that he filled his quota, he decided to go back to the town but first, he checked out the drops he obtained from killing the Great Alpha Wolf. He had yet to check it since he was entirely focused on eating and skinning and now that he was full, it was time to check out the fruits of his labor.

[Thunder Boots (1)

Type: Footwear

Rank: Unique

Durability: 700/700

-Ignores 15 levels

-Negates 80% of Paralysis Effect

+20% Physical resistance

+30% Magical Resistance

+100 movement speed

Thunder Clap(1)SPD- Accelerates in an instant of over 10 meters. Can be used 3 times in 10 seconds.

Cooldown: 2 minutes

Superconductor (1)DEBUFF/DMG/DEF- Absorbs lightning damage for a maximum of 10000 HP. The absorbed lightning damage will be converted to electric-based magic damage that deals a Paralysis Effect for a minimum of 0.5 seconds (+100% Lightning Element)

Cooldown: 5 minutes

Minimum Requirement: 100 Agility, 5 Lightning Element

Maximum Requirement: Tier 1, 100 agility, 10 Lightning Element]

'Wow,' Alon was surprised at the properties of the boots. It was a tier 1 boots that were ranked unique. Just like the rarity of special elite monsters, the rarity of unique ranked equipment was the same. Since Unique items were only one rank below the legendary rank, finding one was like getting a girlfriend when you are poor, ugly, and fat. The only way for one to drop was from dungeon bosses of a very high rank and its drop rate was extremely low. It was estimated that the chances of it dropping from Lord Bosses were 0.5%, High Lords was 1%, Great Lords was 4% while Grand Lords with only 10%. So obtaining such an item from a field monster needed very high luck. (But since he's the protagonist, his chances are very high).

'Bummer, I'd love to equip it now but since I need 5 Lightning elements to get the minimum requirement, let's put it back.' After placing the boots back in his inventory, he retrieved another item.


[Lightning stone

Type: Consumable

Consume to permanently obtain 10 Lightning Elemental points]

'Just what I needed.' After reading the description of the item, Alon unhesitatingly swallowed the stone into his mouth. As soon as it reached his liver, his body was suddenly enveloped by massive volts of electricity causing him to quiver in shock. His body couldn't handle so much electricity and heat started to rise in his body, smoke started to permeate his skin and he could smell the scent of meat being cooked. He fell to the ground while trying his best to remain conscious and after a few seconds of futile struggle, the electric shock in his body subsided and a window panel appeared in his view.

[+10 Lightning Elemental Points]

[Lightning Element: 10

+50 movement speed

+10% chance of Paralysis Effect for 1 second

+50 electric-based magic damage

+20 Electric resistance]

'I shouldn't do that shit again.' It was the first time that Alon had been subjected to such strong volts of electricity coursing through his body since living in the forest, he rarely got electrically shocked, the only time he had been shocked was when he accidentally plugged a port by holding its metal handle.

Still, he was satisfied with the results, he immediately retrieved the boots and equipped them and after equipping the item, he felt a surge of powerr emanating from his body. He felt fast and unstoppable.