Chapter 10: The Goblin Slayer (3)

(Note: I'll be changing the name perspective back to Kaya since the readers might mix up the names of the two. I'll only use Alon if there is a specific part that needs to do so.)

With his taste buds burnt, Kaya could hardly make up what he was eating. As he continued to swallow the meat of the shaman, more heat started to build up in his body. His entire skin started to flush red because of the heat and it was as if he ate ten Carolina reapers in one sitting.

Smoke started to rise in his body but Alon still forced himself to eat the meat and not dare stop. With his health falling rapidly and his body weakening from the Burn effect, he wondered if it was right for him to continue.

Forcefully shoving a lump of meat in his throat without even chewing on it, he pushed all his might to swallow the unchewed meat down to his liver. With the fiery sensation in his body, he felt like his entire blood vessels were boiling from the heat. His mouth dried up from dehydration and felt a sting in his head. An ache pained his head due to the heat stroke and as his consciousness faded, a window panel appeared in his view.


[+1 Fire Elemental Point]

[Fire Element: 1

+5 Physical and magical damage

+1℅ Chance of Burn effect for 1 second

+5 fire-based magic damage

+2 Fire resistance]

After seeing that he gained a single point of the Fire Element, the burning pain in his body lessened by a bit. Holding on to the remaining strand of his consciousness, he ate more of the meat since now, he could put up a fight with a fraction of resistance against the heat.

After 2 hours of treacherous eating. He was finally able to devour the entire Shaman Meat. His fire resistance increased by 8 points and he earned 30 free status points: 9 Strength, 16 agility, and 5 intelligence. His Monster Eater proficiency had increased by 13%. He also obtained another berserk monster core and the properties of the berserk monster core were a lot higher compared to the hobgoblin's monster core since not only was it of a higher rank, but it was also a tier 1 monster core.

Unfortunately, he couldn't collect any of its organs since they had been turned into soup from Kaya's qi-powered attack. The bones on the shaman were the best since it was very durable, big in both girth and length and they emanated sparks of fire when he tried to rub them on a surface like it was some form of unlit match. The thigh bone alone was long enough to carve into either a mace or a spear and the bones on the arm could be used to craft into short swords.

Now that everything had been settled, Kaya checked his player status. After killing 500+ monsters and two sub-bosses, he earned 9 more levels putting his level to Level 27. He placed all 45 points in agility after realizing that if he wanted to fight for very long, he needed to increase his stamina. Although stamina was a hidden attribute, it branched at the main agility attribute and as the main attribute, agility branched many hidden attributes. This includes reaction time, flexibility, evasion, balance, movement speed, attack speed, and stamina. The strength attribute, branches attack power, defense, resistance, skill damage, and prowess. The intelligence attribute branches insight, mana, skill/spell cooldown, magic power, and magic damage. There are also hidden attributes that do not branch out with any of the main attributes and couldn't be increased using status points like dexterity, luck, critical strike, charisma, health, regeneration, etc. Some items could increase these hidden attributes but they are very hard to obtain, one example of an item that increased the hidden attribute was the Serrated Knife which gave Kaya an increase of 10 dexterity and that small increase helped his body control that's why he can efficiently cut the meat, skins, bones, and organs and separate the inedible and edible parts cleanly.


Race: Human

Status: Commoner

Title: Weak Hero

Class: Warrior (Tier 0)

Level: 18 (2%) +9 (7%)

Rank: Awakened (Early)

Strength: 164 +18 +31

Agility: 146 +9 +34 +45

Intelligence: 84 +20

HP: 11700/11700 +900

MP: 840/840 +200

Status points: 45 -45]


[Congratulations on reaching 200 points in Strength! You have been rewarded]

[Spider Silk Gloves (1)

Type: Handwear

Rank: Rare

Durability: 250/250

+10% enhancement in close-combat

+15 Dexterity

+8% damage increase on any weapon the glove wields

Consecutive Strike(1)BUFF: Enhances the next physical attack to deal an additional 5 hits in rapid succession with each dealing 40% of the first damage dealt.

Cooldown: 1 minute

Requirement: 200 strength, 150 agility, Melee-type class]


[Congratulations on reaching 200 points in Agility! You have been rewarded]

[Stealth Cloak (1)

Type: Outer Armor

Rank: Rare

Durability: 400/400

-Conceals the player's ID

+15% Chance of dodging trajectories

+10% Movement Speed

+10% Attack Speed

+50 Physical Defense

Obscurity(1)BUFF: After hiding in the darkness for 10 seconds, the player's aura and presence will disappear. The effect will vanish if someone focuses their attention on you or if you let yourself get noticed.

Requirements: 200 Agility, 100 Strength]


[Congratulations on reaching 100 points in Intelligence! You have been rewarded.]

[Magic Bomb(0)AOE: Charges a ball of compressed Mana that deals magic damage in a small circular area. Charging time depends on how much Mana is used for the skill with a minimum of 1% and a maximum of 50% of the caster's Mana. 1 point of Mana is equal to 5 magic damage.

Cooldown: 5 minutes

Mana Cost: May vary]



Race: Human

Status: Commoner

Title: Weak Hero

Class: Warrior (Tier 0)

Level: 27 (9%)

Rank: Awakened (Early)

Strength: 208

Agility: 234

Intelligence: 104

HP: 12600/12600

MP: 1040/1040

Status points: 0]

A series of notifications bombarded Kaya's view. After reading each one of them, he couldn't help but smile. One particular item stood out from the many which were the Spider Silk Gloves. It was a transparent thin glove that when worn made it look invisible to the naked eye, plus it didn't even feel like he was wearing any gloves at all. The external effect of the gloves was already one thing he was very satisfied with but an increase in Dexterity made collecting meat easier and more efficient. The increase in both the damage in any weapon he wields and the enhancement of close-quarter combat truly speaks for him. Not forgetting about the skills that buffed his next attack, it was the perfect item for someone like himself. He already knew that he'd be using these gloves for a long time even after he reached tier 2, unless he could find better gloves, he'd continue to use them.

The cloak was also very great, he could use it for assassination, sneaking, and concealing his identity but for him to stand out, he needed to show everyone who he was. Since it was still too early for him to stand out, acting lowkey might be good. He needed to become stronger or strong enough to protect himself from the guilds and players that might target him. He was still far too weak to oppose the guild so he couldn't dare to trigger their ire unless he was ready to die (he is very ready to die), but for him to help his father, he needed to gain a sturdy foundation while hiding in the shadows until he was ready to reveal himself to the brilliant lights of fame.

'Oh yeah, speaking of equipment, I haven't checked the loot drops that I obtained from killing the sub-bosses.'

Kaya opened his window tab and was surprised by the many varieties of items that filled a fourth of his inventory blocks but the shine on his face quickly changed into bewilderment.

'How can the system be so stingy for not even giving me a single weapon? I thought weapons would be the most common loot drops a boss monster would give. Why am I only given pieces of protection equipment?'

He was very confused and thought it might have been some sort of bug in the system( He knew what a bug was since it was also written on Keith's information file).

'Is this because I've been improvising my weapons with materials or that I chose to go unarmed from the beginning that the system started thinking that I don't need any weapons?'

He was both in regret and irritated at this predicament. He knew that the system would judge the player based on one's actions in the game, he didn't think the system would be this ruthless with its decision-making.

'It must've been because I said that I only need to rely on my body and don't have to depend myself on artificial equipment. That was simply a metaphorical statement, why would the system take that too literally? Or is it just that I'm unlucky?'

He said to himself as he started to check each item out. Minutes went by and Kaya was finally able to choose from the dozens of equipment that he would equip.


[Black Iron Chainmail (0)

Type: Armor Garment

Rank: Rare

Durability: 300/300

+100 Physical Defense

+5% Damage Absorption

+10% Magic resistance

Steel Fabric: 20% Chance to repel stabbing and piercing attacks around the protected parts of the armor.

Requirement: Level 20, 5000 HP]

[Pitch Black Torso (0)

Type: Lower Armor Garment

Rank: Ultra Rare

Durability: 500/500

+150 Physical Defense

+20% Physical Resistance

+20% Stamina

+100 Movement Speed

- Ignores 5 Levels

Black Fog(0)BUFF: Becomes unforgettable for 2 seconds but is unable to move from the duration of the skill.

Cooldown: 30 minutes

Requirements: level 20, 100 Agility]

[Crimson Blood Earrings (0)

Type: Accessories

Rank: Epic

Durability: 100/100

+500 HP

+5% Damage Increase

+1% Lifesteal

- Ignores 5 levels

Cauterize(0)HEAL: Absorbs 2% of damage received to fill up the blood bar (Maximum of 5000 points). Once the blood bar has been filled by 25%, the points filled can be converted into the healing that instantly heals any lost HP. If HP is already full, the excess points will be returned to the blood bar.

Cooldown: 5 Minutes

This is a set of equipment, equip all 4 pieces of the set equipment to unlock the hidden function.

Requirements: 100 Intelligence]

[Crimson Blood Braces (0)

Type: Arm Guard

Rank: Epic

Durability: 250/250

+1000 HP

+5% Damage Increase

+3% Lifesteal

- Ignores 5 levels

Clotting(0)DEF: When dealing damage, the excess health regeneration from Lifesteal will be converted into a protective barrier that surrounds the player which blocks up to a maximum of 5000 damage.

This is a set of equipment, equip all 4 pieces of the set equipment to unlock the hidden function.

Requirements: 100 Intelligence]

The items he equipped all gave a huge boost in his player status and two of which were pieces for an epic set of equipment. While the equipment had inferior properties to normal epic equipment, once the set equipment was equipped, its attributes would rival a set of equipment of a higher tier. The other equipment was an Ultra Rare ranked equipment and what made it special is because the rank was the boundary that bridges a Rare and Epic Equipment's gap. Although it's in the tier of Rare equipment, its properties could compare that with Epic Equipments which is why it's ranked as Ultra Rare Equipment.

What he truly loved about the torso was not only did it look pleasing to the eyes, it had a lifesaving skill that was very rare to find in equipment. When a lifesaving skill was used at the right time, it could change the tide of the battle that's why many players hope to acquire one life-saving skill unfortunately, they were very hard to come by and once one would be on sale at the official market, it would only take a few seconds for it to be bought for a high price of maybe a million dollars worth of Fleshlight.

The other items in his inventory were also of great quality but none of it interest him more than these four.



When Kaya was about to leave the cave, he quickly halted his steps and looked around. He could hear a faint raspy voice of a child crying.


When Kaya heightened his sense, he could now clearly hear the cry. It was a cry of an infant. He found the source of the voice from one of the holes where the goblins had burst out from. Not sure what to do, he followed the voice by crawling down the small tunnel.

As soon as he got deeper into the cramped tunnel, he started to see light and as he hurried his pace, the cry became clearer and clearer until he saw the source of the voice.

'This is fucked up.'

What appeared in his eyes was a horrible sight nobody should ever witness. Goblin babies were being lined up in straws and beside them was their mother suckling on her breasts. The most fucked up part about this was the mother was a human and it was pregnant at that. Its stomach bulged into a giant balloon and what Kaya could tell was that the human mother was carrying multiple babies and one infant already had its whole head popped out from the mother's vaginal canal. The infant had been the source of the crying noise.

From the appearance of the mother, she had been badly wounded from sexual assault from not just one but probably dozens of goblins. One of her legs had long rotted from a poison infection and the majority of her body was filled with bruises. The mother was neither dead nor alive, although she was still breathing and Kaya could still feel her life force, her eyes showed that she was already long dead.

Her dark pupils started to move slowly which had focused on Kaya, tears fell in her eyes as she force out a low voice.


The words that echoed in Kaya's ear made him grit his teeth. He wasn't someone who easily showed emotions but right now, his face was filled with hatred and regret.


Kaya replied in a serious tone. He knelt on the ground and covered the face of the woman with a cloth. Using his blade-like hands, he sliced the woman's head clean giving her a swift and painless death.

A pendant fell from her neck that Kaya immediately caught. He placed her head on the ground and checked the diamond-shaped pendant and when he opened it, he found a picture of the woman with her husband and daughter while on the other side of the pendant, words were written in cursive.

"We will never be apart darling,

If you miss me,

Your heart will always know where I am."

As the cloth fell from the woman's head, Kaya saw her face. Her eyes squint slightly, and wrinkles appear at the corners of her eyes. Her cheeks raised showing a warm smile.


[Hidden quest]

[Difficulty: F

Return the woman's pendant to her family for her to truly rest in peace. Her only last wish is to be with her family even if her only remaining existence resides in the pendant.

Rewards: None

Penalty: None

Do you wish to accept the quest? Y/N]

'Do not worry, I'll avenge your death and return you home to your family.'


[You have accepted the quest!]