Chapter 16: A Sad Reunion

(Play, Dandelions by Ruth B in the background to add a dramatic effect.)

After finding the house from the vendor's description, Kaya knocked on the door.

"Who ish it!?"

The sound of a drunk man bellowed inside the door. Once it opened, it revealed a smelly wasted man holding a bottle of beer in his hand.

"What do you want? If you're here to look for my wife, fuck off! She's already fallen to another man. That stupid bitch, I gave everything to her."

"Please don't badmouth your wife."

"Who the fuck are you telling me what I want to say about my wife? You wanna die you bastard?"

The drunk husband shattered the bottle of beer and stabbed the sharp edge right at his chest. Kaya simply grabbed the bottle with his hand and crush it into a fine dust. When the drunk man saw the bottle in his hand turn to powder, fear filled his mind.

"W-who are you? W-what do you want?"

"Dad? Who is that?"

From the small voice, a little girl appeared from upstairs who went down to check after hearing the commotion. She was currently wearing torn clothing and it looked like she hasn't been eating for a while due to how thin she was. Kaya's heart ached seeing the state of the wife's daughter. What would his mother do if she saw the state of her daughter? She would definitely give the husband a scolding.

"You can buy yourself a drink but you can't even feed your daughter? What kind of father are you?"

"Who are you to dictate how I want to raise my child? Mind your own damn business!"

Kaya threw a very light slap at the man which was enough to throw him off the ground as he slammed to the wall.


The little girl went running to check on her father who had a hard time standing up and she immediately opened her arms sideways to stop Kaya from hurting his father.

"Stop hurting dad! Dad is a good father!"

The little girl shot a glare at Kaya and tears started forming in her eyes.

"D-daisy...get away from him!"

The drunk man sobered up and pulled the girl on his back to protect her.

"You can take anything you want from me...but please not my daughter. She's the only thing I have."

The man angrily said caressing his daughter's hair pleading to Kaya not to hurt the little girl named, Daisy.

"I'm not here to hurt you or your daughter. I'm here to give you this."

Kaya showed the pendant in his hands and when the man saw it, his eyes widened. Daisy who also saw it had a warm glow on her face as the tears stopped pouring and she started jumping in joy.

"Where....where did you get that?"

"Mommy's pendant! Is mommy finally here? Yay! Mommy! I'm here! Where are you?"


Daisy went running outside the house with her eyes gleaming as she started looking around. The man, on the other hand, was worried that his daughter might trip and fall so he tried to get her back but Kaya stopped him by blocking the door with his heavy hand.

"Sir, I have something to tell you. You have a good daughter and I can see that but what I'm about to say might break your daughter's heart."

"What is it? Did the man she had an affair with abuse her?"

The man said angrily. He had longed to believe the rumors despite knowing the real truth himself. He didn't want to think of the worst-case scenario that happened to his wife. No, he'd rather believe that she had an affair with him than anything else.

"No, I'm sorry to say this but your wife is not here anymore."

"W-what do you mean? D-did she went to another country?"


Despite having a strong resolve, Kaya could not make himself say the words. The man saw Kaya's gloomy face and hesitation. His voice trembled and tears slowly appear in his eyelids.

"Do you remember the last time you found your wife?"

"Sh-she went to the forest to pick some tell me what happened to her? Where is she!?"

The man angrily exclaimed gripping Kaya by the collar. His reddened eyes were bloodshot in anger but a tear formed and fell to a drop. He gritted his teeth hoping not to hear what Kaya was about to say.

"I found your wife."

"R-really? Where? I don't care if she has an affair with another man, as long as she is safe and alive, I can...I can forgive her..."

The man said crying hoping to see his wife. Despite the hatred in his heart, all he wanted was to see his wife again.

"She wanted nothing more but to reunite with you and your daughter. It's hard for me to say this but she had been abducted by goblins and was tortured. I don't want to dive in deeper but, she wished for me to end her misery. I'm sorry."

"You killed her!?"

After hearing his words, the man didn't want to believe him. No, he refused to believe it. He started punching Kaya in his chest but it only wounded his fists. Kaya didn't even budge from the punches as he allowed the man to continue. He knew what he was currently thinking. He knew that he wanted to refute his words but it was the truth, the harsh truth and he had to accept it.

"Even when she died, she kept a warm smile on her face. She was a beautiful woman and I could feel that she loved you and your daughter with all her heart. I know that she would never cheat on you so please accept this."

Kaya caught one of his fists and forcefully open it and placed the pendant in his palms. He continued to slam his fist to his chest but eventually slowed down and fell on his knees embracing the pendant in his hands and let out a screaming cry.

"Honey! I'm sorry! I'm so sorry! I shouldn't have left you! I should've been there with you!"

Cracks started forming from the pendant on his hands which exploded into a warm light. The light was comforting and started moving around the room. Seeing the sudden change in the room surprised both Kaya and the man.

'What is happening?'

Kaya had no idea what was going on as he observed the light spinning around the room. Daisy who saw the light quickly went back to the house and her eyes sparkled at the sight of the dancing light.

"Wow! It's so beautiful!"

She said in awe. The man quickly grabbed her daughter close to him as he protected her from what might happen. Soon the light began to swirl in one place and formed a figure of light. This figure slowly form the shape of a woman and a flash blinded their eyes.


When they momentarily regained their visions, the woman in front of them started walking toward the man and the daughter.

" that you?"

"Mommy? You look, beautiful mommy."

The father and daughter were amazed at what was happening. The light had turned into his wife, he couldn't be sure if what he was seeing right now was real but the feeling that basked his body was very familiar and comforting.

"Dave, it's okay now..."

The woman said with a warm smile. When he heard her voice, his body felt weak and he fell right on his knees. He was in disbelief but as the woman slowly went to comfort him, his trembling body moved to embrace her.

"Why?...why did it have to be you?.. You were going through so much pain and I didn't even know...I allowed myself to believe the words of the people but I never asked myself if those words were the truth.."

"It's mommy!"

Dave's voice shake as he regretted his actions. He regretted everything that he had done until now. He was foolish. He was a horrible husband. He was a horrible father...

Caressing the head of Daisy who gave her mother a warm embrace teared up but still gave a smile.

"You were never in the wrong Dave. You gave me your everything and I gave you what was all mine. You were there in my toughest time and we shared our hurts and happiness. Being with you was the best thing that had ever happened to me. Daisy, you've grown into a tough girl. I hope you protect your father when I am away."

"Okay mommy, I will protect daddy from bad guys."

"That's my girl..."


She gave the two a loving embrace. He felt the hug envelope his body and hurriedly opened his arms hugging her as he smiled through the pain. Memories of their happy days recalled through his mind. Right now, it was the happiest moment of his life.

"Take care, honey..."

The light that once formed his wife slowly drift apart. The woman gave his final kisses to both his husband and daughter. She turned her head at Kaya who watched the scene unfold with a smile and tears poured into her eyes. She gave a silent and solemn tone saying "Thank you" to Kaya. She disappeared and the light rose up to the heavens.


[Quest Completed]

[The Goddess Arianna has taken notice of your existence. She gives a warm thanks at you for helping one of her angels ascend peacefully.]

[Arianna's Stigma has been engraved to your body]

A white tattoo of eyes with six wings appeared on his shoulder. He was encompassed with divine essence and he felt safe.

"Thank you."

Kaya gave his gratitude to the Goddess Arianna and assisted the crying father and daughter who couldn't help but embrace him too.

"Thank you my savior! Thank you for freeing my wife from her torment! Because of you, I could be with my wife in her final moments!"


[Dave's affinity has increased by 100! The relationship has changed from Stranger to Savior]

[Daisy's affinity has increased by 100! The relationship has changed from Stranger to Savior]

"I am only doing what was needed to be done. I'm sure you are still in grief about what happened but be sure to remain firm. You are the only remaining support to your daughter and I hope you raise her right. Here..."

Kaya gave Dave 100 gold coins, when he saw the number of gold coins in the small pouch, he couldn't help but be stunned.

"Savior, please take it back! We can't accept such a huge amount of money! You've already done us a great favor, I can't be indebted to you more, it will break my heart."

"Please accept this. You can repay the favor by making sure that your daughter will eat well and become a fine woman growing up. Give her a comfortable life, and a good education, and give her the protection she needs. Leave this place, and go to the city that is not surrounded by bad people. That is all I want you to do."

Kaya refuted from retrieving the money back as he stood up from his knee and left the house. When he arrived at a farther point, Dave chased after him.

"I haven't asked my savior's name. It would be rude not to know who my savior is."

"It's Alon. We may never see each other again but if fate allows it, I want to see you quit drinking and live a happy life with your daughter."

"Thank you so much!"

Dave bowed down in gratitude with tears falling from his eyes. Kaya patted the man's shoulder and vanished in the thin air. He had done his part and was not disappointed with the outcome. He wants nothing more but to lessen the pain in Dave's grieving heart by cherishing the moments with her passed wife and giving it all back to his daughter.

The reality is that you will grieve forever. You will not 'get over the loss of a loved one; you will learn to live with it.

You will heal and you will rebuild yourself around the loss you have suffered.

You will be whole but you will never be the same again. Nor should you be the same nor would you want to.