Chapter 33: Tier 4 Opponent

Daniel threw his fist right at Kaya's face and Kaya went to block it head-on with both his arms covering horizontally.


The punch threw Kaya farther away as he tumbled to the ground and crashed through rubble as he watched the swollen arms with a grit in his teeth.

"Oh, you manage to survive that you dumb cunt then how about this."

Damned Daniel's entire arms turned black as they emanate a dark smoke. He dashed right at Kaya in a split second and began throwing a barrage of punches at him without stopping.

Kaya on the other hand endured the attack as his health fell rapidly. Roman who was watching Kaya's health drop through his party system couldn't help but worry. Damned Daniel was on an entirely different level and as soon as Kaya's health fell by 10%, a single shot was enough to end his life.

"It was fun but-"

Before Damned Daniel could complete his sentence, a qi-infused punch went right through his jaw thrashing him away in the air as Kaya followed it up with Shunpo and threw his hammering fist right at his abdomen crashing him down the ground as a huge crater formed from the impact.



With the added aspect of Retribution, the damage Kaya dealt with his qi-infused attack managed to remove 2% of his health in an instant but with his regenerative abilities as a boss monster, he could heal 5% of his health in 5 seconds basically a six million health per second. That punch was nothing more but a tickle to him.

"You surprised me again fucker, it seems that you can damage me but that won't happen next time!"

Damned Daniel vanished from the crack as he arrived right at Kaya's side throwing a heavy punch right at his rib blasting Kaya away as so did Daniel who had also been flung to the opposite side.


Roman was confused. He had just seen Daniel appear in a split second and had thrown Kaya away but he was surprised as Daniel had also been blasted in the other way. What more is that with such an attack, Kaya should've received an insourmentable amount of damage but it had actually healed his HP and now his health was standing at 17%.


Damned Daniel spits one of his teeth and blood infuriated by the sudden outcome. He had placed all of his strength on the attack but his opponent managed to survive the attack and what's more, he landed his own with another invisible attack that he couldn't detect.

'I guess I can also redirect the aim of the causality damage.'

Kaya was glad about the revelation he had learned. When Kaya was punched to his side, the Abyssal Scale Armor's item skill, Mirrored Scales repelled 20% of the damage back to Damned Daniel, and Kaya purposely aimed the causality damage to his jaw which dealt 5% of his health in an instant. He had also activated Cauterize which healed him from the accumulated damage he had dealt from the previous monsters and had now made use of its full blood bar. His enemy was far stronger than he had imagined so he couldn't act recklessly. He used 3 uses of his Golden Gauze and bandaged his upper body including his entire arms which regenerated his health constantly while increasing his overall status by 50%. His health immediately filled up.

Martial Arts No. 12: The Primate

Kaya's entire stance changed to mimic a humpback gorilla. He activated Shunpo and arrived right at Daniel's side to throw a heavy counter but Daniel threw his enhanced punch to counterattack his punch before their fist could collide, Kaya activated Crunch which instantly pulverized his entire fist causing extreme pain as he tried to recall the fist back but it was too late.


With such a weak and floppy punch, Kaya's qi-infused punch broke his entire wrist and he was flung away.


The punch was so powerful that it immediately chipped off 10% of his health and his entire arm had been dislocated from that. Such high damage had immediately filled up the blood bar and his HP to 100% in an instant and with relief, Kaya immediately activated Shunpo again arriving right at Daniel and performing a roundhouse kick in mid-air.


The smoke disperse around them and Kaya found his leg being held by Daniel who seemed agitated as his arm instantly healed up.

"You fucking bitch!"

Daniel thrashed Kaya around like shit on the ground as the surrounding area exploded from the collision. His health dropped by huge chunks from each slam on the ground he formed the aura around his hand to a blade as he struck it right at his leg hoping to slice it off but before it could reach his skin, Kaya activated Blink and appeared right above his head as he slammed his right leg to a chopping motion right at his head causing him to bit his tongue off.


Blood splurged on his mouth angrily glaring at Kaya as he released a tidal wave of black spikes and Kaya immediately activated Blink to traverse away from the incoming spikes.

"Now, do you see me as a worthy opponent?"

Kaya asked. Daniel gazed at him with murderous intent wiping off the blood in his mouth as he controlled the Soulkeeper to come right at him in which the sword flew right towards his hands.

"Oh, you're worthy alright.."

As soon as the giant great sword fell on his hands, his entire pressure exploded around the island.

'What pressure!'

Roman exclaimed inwardly. He could barely lift his body anymore and it had become hard to breathe as the pressure had suffocated his nasal passageway so he started breathing in his mouth.

'I knew this was bad! We should've just left!'

Roman could only regret his decisions but things had already come this far, it was best to stick to the end and watch how the scene will unfold.

"So this is your true power huh?"

His ire displayed that Daniel was at the peak of the High Primordial Realm but Kaya wasn't bothered by the increase of pressure. He pulled out the Lich's Spine in his inventory and swung it like a whip as sparks appear from the friction in the ground.

Martial Arts No. 21: The Viper

Both the composite swords burned with the poison aura as green flame surround the entire weapon.

Flesh Wound

Kaya activated Shunpo to arrive at Daniel in an instant and Daniel swung his great sword at Kaya horizontally but Kaya bent his body to evade the sword and swung the blade in a zig-zag pattern slicing through his arms and legs with each segmented blade that struck through his skin opened a cut and dealt .5% of his health and immediately dropping his health by only 10% since the effectivity of the skill had been decreased due to the difference in the tier.

"You fucker!"

Daniel cursed out as he swung his sword again and from the blade of the giant sword appeared a giant purplish flame that expanded to a huge wave that obliterated everything in its path and knowing the danger Kaya was facing, he instantly activated Blink and appeared behind the wave but Daniel who was anticipating the skill stabbed Kaya right through his open chest yet as soon as he did that, Kaya activated Void Binding in which black vines sprout out of the ground that constricted Daniel's movement stopping him from executing the stab.

Kaya didn't stop as he activated Shunpo again and appeared right above him and weaved the two blades in the air to coil around his neck.


He retracted back the segmented blades that spun around his neck lacerating it and revealing the vertebrae that held his head from falling as his health fell immediately by 60%. Kaya didn't stop as he swung the blade on his right arm to sever his head completely off but before it could happen, Daniel turned into a ghastly smoke that moved towards him like a phantom charging with his giant sword ready to swing right at him.

The blade started to expand three times its size and Kaya immediately threw both his composite swords up in the air and stopped the giant sword from vertically slashing him in half with his hands pressing on the flat side of the blade and activating Crunch.

[Soulkeeper's durability has fallen by 3650]

A crack appeared right at the blade in which Kaya held it and its sharpness turned dull. Kaya quickly activated Blink again and appeared above the blade in which he caught the composite blades in the air then activating Call of The Void allowing him to damage the phantomized Daniel.







Kaya spun his composite swords towards him like a drill dealing chips of his HP rapidly in just a second. The poison Element didn't work on him but the added damage attribute was enough to amplify his attacks and after a few seconds of nonstop twirl, the phantom Daniel's health fell by 30%.

"Fuck this shit!"

Daniel gritted his teeth, he stabbed his sword right at his chest as he began to be encased in a purplish orb. He was transforming and when Kaya swung his blades right at the hard cocoon, it simply bounce back with sparks from each attack.

"Brother Alon, it's going berserk! You should end this fight right after the cocoon breaks since he'll be in his most fragile state at that time. I don't know a lot about it but this is how usually tier 4 boss monsters go berserk so it should apply to Damned Daniel too."

"Right on it."

Kaya responded to Roman's words as he activated Overload, Overdrive, and Overdose simultaneously. He also activated Bloodlust increasing his overall Lifesteal and Spell Vamp. As soon as the cocoon broke, a flash of light appeared around the area blinding him temporarily and a window panel appeared in his view.


[Damned Daniel has gone Berserk!]

[Berserked Damned Daniel (4)] [Special Grand Lord High Demon]

Level: 240

HP: 1,000,000,000/1,000,000,000]

'Fucking hell.'

Kaya could only curse after seeing the astronomical amount of health the berserked Daniel had. It wasn't unlike the mutant berserk boss monster he defeated.

Now Damned Daniel looked like a bonafide demon. Having two black horns protruding from his forehead, his hair had turned white and his skin had paled to a grey color. His body had also buffed up and now looked similar to Kaya's body except with the scars, he had cracks all over his body and both his eyes were black. The Soulkeeper had turned to a pitch black sword that was 2 meters in length and had red runes engraved on its blade.


Damn Daniel simply pointed his sword at Kaya and like a vacuum, Kaya's soul was being sucked up by the blade.


[Warning! Your Immortal Soul is being absorbed! If you do not set free from the absorption, you will die and be barred from logging back in for 1 year in real time!]


Kaya immediately activated Shards of The Abyss and the scales in his armor exploded out of his body interrupting the sword and freeing Kaya from the effect as he panted in exhaustion. That absorption had managed to suck out nearly all of his unlimited stamina.

Daniel started weaving his sword right Kaya not even minding the flying scales that struck him nonstop with each dealing 100k HP from every scale. Kaya immediately counterattacked the fast-moving sword with his composite swords and was able to fight him toe to toe despite facing irregularly patterned strikes. The thread-like movements of the composite swords managed to cover up the areas in which Kaya couldn't parry normally with a regular sword and started exchanging blows from blows and not allowing Daniel to successfully land a strike. But despite the balanced style of fight, Kaya could now barely deflect the attacks as one segmented blade to the other broke as its durability rapidly fall and before he could stop the final swing, the two composite swords broke.

[Lich's Spine has been destroyed!]

[Lich's Spine has been destroyed!]


Having no choice, Kaya blocked the sword Coming right at him with his arm which had been sliced off as a result but the split-second strike gave Kaya an opening to land a strike and threw a qi-infused punch right at the crack in Daniel's body.



+176,090,000 HP

Daniel was flung away from the punch and Kaya's health quickly returned full and his severed arm regenerated to its normal state.

'I still hate this feeling.'

Kaya could only recall the previous bout he had with the mutant boss monster that he had to bet his body parts just to defeat the monster and he was now going to repeat the same thing. He wanted to avoid that but he had no other choice, his enemy was far stronger than it had been, Kaya's only advantage to it was his regenerative abilities and techniques.

Damn Daniel who had been thrown in a far distance reappeared right at Kaya as he swung his sword again but Kaya responded with Blink and appeared in his back throwing a jab through the crack in his back but the speed in which Daniel reacted from the incoming strike was simply unparalleled as his body inverted and lopped off the entire arm of Kaya before it could contact with the crack but Kaya remained unperturbed as he had already landed an elbow strike right to its jaw and his arm immediately healed back up again.


With its neck twisted at an abnormal angle, its speed was able to swing the sword right at Kaya's face that mince his entire head into cubes which immediately cause his health to fall into a critical state and as soon as it reached the 5% mark, Kaya's knee shot right at its groin regenerating his head back again and a window panel appeared in his view.


[The Final Draw has been activated! Overall attributes have increased by three folds for 15 seconds!]


The knee shot had managed to burst Daniel's entire groin area to bits and had his health back full and now with the effect of Final Draw, he had overwhelmed Daniel in all categories.


Daniel tried to swing his sword at Kaya's shoulder but it only managed to leave a shallow cut and Kaya responded with it with a hammering punch to his left shoulder. The punch was so strong and fast that the entire skeletal area on his shoulder shot right through his entire arm and fell to the ground leaving only muscles to move his arm.

Seeing its arm broken, its health fell by 20% and gaped its mouth open as a charge of condensed demonic Mana spread through it ready to blast a cannon of deathly beam at Kaya's face.

'I won't let you!'

Kaya infused his entire right arm with qi and punched straight through his gaping mouth that not only canceled the skill but had drilled his arm straight through his mouth. With half his shoulder on the other end of Daniel's mouth he curled his arm to a flex that cracked his skull and burst out his entire head like a watermelon in which the eyeballs popped out from its sockets and gore started spilling through the eye sockets and nostrils. Its entire head exploded leaving only the protruding lower jaw as its body fell to the ground and disperse to dust as Daniel's health fell to zero.


[You have slain Damned Daniel]

[Level difference: 140; experience gain +700%]

[For killing a berserked boss monster, experience gain increased by 500%]

[You have killed a Special Grand Lord Boss Monster! +1000% Experience gain]

[You have subjugated a High Demon by yourself! +1000% Experience Gain]

[You are the first player to defeat a special demon boss, Damned Daniel! You have been rewarded]

[Belphegor's Boots (Fabled) has been obtained]

[You are the first player to solo Damned Daniel while in its berserk mode! You have been rewarded]

[Soulkeeper(Legendary) has been obtained]

[Deathly Horns x2 (Material) has been obtained]

[Level Up!]

[Level Up!]

[Level up!]




A series of notifications appeared on his view as Kaya watched the mountains of items in his front. He laid on the ground satisfied with his accomplishments as he had earned 34 levels from killing Damned Daniel. With the mainstream players in the levels 120-150, Kaya was now able to reach those players and it wasn't far before he could reach the elite levels.

Roman who had witnessed everything immediately ran towards Kaya who laid smiling on the ground as he asked in a mind-boggling tone.

"How!? That was basically an impossible task yet you did it! Just how!?"

"I guess I'm just built different."