Chapter 2: The Story

1st Person POV

I haven't even probably said my proper goodbyes as well, this is just shit on my end. But that dream woman...she expected this...

She called it the summons if I remember it correctly, the people on the bus disappeared, so they were summoned in this world, this dimension, but then why wasn't I included, I was within the range of that large array. The bus driver and I died, did the array imprinted something on me and caused me to come along once we died.

My head hurts, I'm not that smart to think of all this, they were right when they say fictional stories don't really help make you more knowledgable, which is why I question why you readers are here. Give me a good review before the 4th wall repair itse-


It took forever but I experienced what birth felt like, it feels like weird and disgusting on so many levels, slimy...yeah, you know what? I'm not gonna describe it.

"Success! I can believe the ritual actually worked." a male voice exclaimed in fascination "Rarely do children even survive in the womb, much less the birthing process when you use the ritual of a child being born of a same gendered couple."

Bruh. What?

Not only are they speaking English, but...I'm also a child Well I really am a protagonist, may the gods or whatever deities of this world grant me a better life than what I've experienced, and...a harem.

"Mixing a weak male donor's gene with 2 women...I must study this guy if he lives till adult age." the doctor muttered under his breath

"Stop being fascinated with our son." a woman voice chided "Check on him to make sure he's healthy!"

"Dear, don't be so loud. Can I carry him in my arms?" another woman requested

I guess if magic exists, these kind of rituals exist as well.

"No, not yet, he's not crying, that's not good." he denied as he then tilt me a bit forward and repetitively lightly tap my back and used some cloth to dry my face got something to slightly suck some fluids from my face.

As embarrassing as it is, I cried, it felt really uncomfortable and my body are sensitive the moment I got born, well I lightly cried, but I had to burst and exaggerate it a bit to signal to them that I'm alive and well.

"Phew, almost lost a future subj- I mean here's your son." the doctor corrected himself as I felt my body being cleaned and wrapped in a blanket before feeling warmth of physical contact.

"I heard that." I guess, my mother, grumbled "You're lucky that you're reliable, well, Perseus, may you be blessed by the sun and moon, my son."


The fact that this world is speaking English does help me a lot, I can understand conversations, the mother who carried me is named Nyra and the other is Rylee, I guess I have to address them as Mom Nyra and Mom Rylee if I have to get anywhere.

I still can't see and have to rely on listening in to conversations to get anywhere. And I guess people already know how I'm fed, which I'm glad to not be able to see, so as I suffer through all these embarrassments, let's just time skip to when anything interesting happens.


*2 years later*

Perseus POV

I was given the name of Perseus Silver by my new mothers, Rylee and Nyra Silver.

Rylee silver is a woman about 168 cm tall, she looks to be in her younger 20s but I heard she is about 30 years old, she got light brown skin, pink eyes and black hair.

My other mother, Nyra, the one who carried me, is 2 years younger, she got fair white skin, white hair and grey colored eyes.

They do like showing me off a bit since children like me do not tend to survive, and are very rarely not sickly at a young age, if I can live to about 13 or 14, I am guaranteed a normal life afterwards, so with my rare condition of being born of their so called ritual, their work allowed them to take a bit more time off just so I can be watched and helped in case anything goes wrong.

And the healer, yeah, in this world, they are called healers. Healer Beek(Yes, I seriously question why his parents name him that) does come to help watch me too since I'm a rare case.

And as a toddler, I had to act like one, and by that I meant that once I can crawl and walk, I was on an intentional suicide mission when they slightly turn away, just to trouble em a bit.

But a story does come up often, a legend that's apparently even known and popular among adults.

When the world were first created, there were 2 gods, the god of the sun and the god of the moon.

When they descended, they fell in love on first sight, and the moon good created several roses to gift it to the sun god as a sign of his affection. Those same roses were then passed down to their descendants, mortals, to take care of them. Roses are usually red, but the first roses exists of different colors, and whenever a mortal pluck one of the original roses, they are blessed with unimaginable power.

A few of the roses have been found, several others are waiting for their chosen one, but one in particular has never even been spotted, the black rose.

"So even though you're our child, we are all children of the sun and the moon." Mom Nyra said as she tuck me into this small bed in this room right next to theirs.

"What are the gods' names?"

"The fact that you are this smart this early really astonishes me." Mom Rylee chuckled "It was never mentioned, some stories would just say that the sun and the moon descended onto our world and have children."

"So if a rose is red, it's normal?"

"Actually...the original red rose was plucked by the first hero, and it's been passed down the royal family, the Tartians." Mom Rylee answered "But we'll tell you more about that kingdom and its people when you grow up, for now, just focus on growing up, you need to also learn the tradition of our people first."