Chapter 44: Moon Carvings

3rd Person POV

"So all the records were erased?" Lloyd asked

"Yep, unfortunately after that blast and due to us prioritizing every other files, the records of the trainees are erased, sorry." Edward apologize "Well tell me the description of the girl you find pretty and we'll see what we can do."

"Well it's this girl, she has short white hair, a tad bit shorter than me, pretty brown eyes and tan skin that really make her stand out since most people on our continents have a lighter colored skin. She's apparently my age too."

|Uhhh...that sounds familiar...|

"Alright, I'll see what I can do for you, my little nephew." Edward reassured him and ruffled his hair "Anyway, I apologize for not stopping Perseus for a while since you want to see him, he's apparently leaving for the northern continent."

"No worries, I'm heading home now, I need to be prepared for my second year at the academy."


Perseus POV

My first priority is to get Leilah before I can explore the northern continent a bit before going back home to rest, I told my moms before hand that I will be away from home 6 months and most but I hope to get things done is a month at best.

The teleportation array set by the moon god that teleport us to the moon is on a northern island above the continent, the only way to get to it is to fly there, boats can't go there due to the amount of icebergs and dangerous animals in the arctic waters.

We got to northern continent main kingdom of Eriksen, named after their first king, even the royal family here has the last name of Eriksen. But I didn't really care as me and Ruka just continued traveling north, it's cold as hell.

Even their summer season will reach 15 degree Celsius on average, their record is 20. Right now, it's in the negatives, people on this continent are encouraged to learn warming spells as they grow up since it's necessary for their survival.

Me and Ruka journeyed north for about 2 weeks and got to this teleportation array and teleported to the northern most town where we traveled to the ocean filled with giant icebergs, even as a person who love the cold, this is starting to get unbearable up here.

"Damn that girl." Ruka cursed "This is why I wish I should've have stayed behind and get treated well alongside the heroes."

"Come on, I thought you love your sister."

"Of course I do, but she scares me nowadays. I seriously can't believe she got that crazy and you didn't even date, can't imagine her craze if she finds out you constantly give Maple flirty lines."

"Well, let's go, the sooner the better."

I used the petals to create a large double edged blade and laid it flat on the ground, we got on it and I levitate it and let it fly silver surfer style. We sat on it and I steer it across the ocean, there are birds on the way there that are called the steel razor. Their feathers are metallic and are incredibly sharp, they can shoot it out and kill a man if they're not careful.

Ruka's job is to simply maintain a barrier to protect us on the way, there are dozens of them every single meter that we travelled that would attack us due to their territorial and hostile nature.

Apparently this is a 2 day non stop trip, so let's just skip there.


We got to one of this small iceberg, it has this moon carving on it, I inject mana into it and it teleported me to the this icy island, it's basically an island the size of Canada surrounded, we're at what they call the Northern islands and the largest one(where we're at) is surrounded by other islands.

We're in this cave where we camped for the night for rest due to our previous 2 days of continuous flying over the ocean with no stop. After that night we flew the same way through the blizzard for about 2 weeks, we took turns to steer and fly while dodging native monsters.

My hope of completing all of this quick is taking a stop, the dance of my people do warm me up due to the mana dancing with me block the winds and toughen my body, but I sure do want to not continue practicing it since the first few minute is super cold.

We then spent about 6 days hiking and climbing this mountain, we can't really fly since Leilah said that she doesn't know the exact spot for the next moon carving that will teleport us to the moon, we have to always keep a look out for a moon carving, well there are several of them, except one is the real one, it's the one that have a small black glow.

If we can't find it on the trail, it's somewhere on the side of the mountain, after those 6 days, as we were climbing the mountain, I found it.

"What carving?!" Ruka shouted over the loud winds "I don't see it."

I pointed at the spot, but she can't see it and shook her head. it seems that my ability to see through lies and illusion might be a factor in her choosing me. I injected mana into the thing and it glowed a black light. I then quickly use magic to create a thin layer of air on my body like a human atmosphere.

Based on the dreams, I don't have to worry about the rays of the sun since we're in this empty room filled with nothing but stairs.

Sure enough, at the very next second, I am finally in the room with the stairs of several hundreds steps that was lit up by a giant bright chandelier. And atop those stairs is course the woman who I've known for more than 2 decades.

"Well Perseus, you know the last test, right?" Leilah said from up there and her voice echoed throughout

"It's just to climb the stairs."

"Be careful now." she replied "I don't want you to die before I can get my hands on you."