Chapter 60: Raining Death

Perseus POV

"Well Leilah, do you want this to be the world's introduction to your powers?" Ruka asked "After all, the only reason that you're regarded as the strongest rose is through our words."

"Go ahead." she replied "I don't care either way. By the way, Ruka, I knew you were awake, so that's why I didn't go for just a quick peck, it was a delightful experience."

"What?! That just made it worst, you shameless couple!"

"No way would you sleep during that loud snowstorm." Leilah giggled

I have barely enough time to train with Leilah's powers but her powers are battle oriented, it's learned through experience, and this will be my first time using it.


3rd Person POV

In the forest, no demons were stupid enough to take the watcher 1 on 1, but even when they ganged up on these watchers, their hits just don't hit them at all, they were very skillful.

They were flexible enough to dodge every attacks by bending their bodies in unusual ways. And their attacks were stronger than that of their own, it's as if they're fighting the royal guards who are responsible for guarding their lord.

They were getting cut down left and right, it took several of them just to take one of them down, it doesn't help that the watchers would run into the forest once they're losing, if they followed, they'll run into either traps or wild beast that took them down.

"Shit, hold on till back up arrives!" one screamed before being cut down by Aminu

He is jumping from one demon too another with his spear and cutting up their bodies in half everywhere he goes. The demons didn't even have time to summon up barriers as he would arrive in front of them in a flash.

He then spun his spear with intense ferocity and with one swing, he created a slash of wind that cut down several demons in half, cutting through their armor and barrier.

"Well he's not a chief for nothing." Reiner commented as he arrived on the battle scene and seeing Aminu jumping from one demon to another in a blink of an eye.

"Well to be chief, apart from knowledge, they need to have the fighting prowess of an 8 star." Rowan replied "And by 8 star, I mean 8 star of this village standards, which is 9 or 10 depending on the person, if that boy grows to be just a 7 star, he'll already be probably better than that man in his prime days and he's a retired 9 star watcher."

The heroes arrived on the scene too and were trying their best to help, but this is their first time actually fighting, they were asked to join for experience, but to not wander far in case they are losing, they won't be able to retreat properly.

They are clumsy in their movements with weapons, so they resorted to their magic. The concept of magic in this world is mostly easy to understand, spells are made based of a person's imagination, and due to there being lots of people in the planet, these ideas tend to overlap and so people would create books on how they developed these spells and their unique approach to it throughout the years.

And after all those development, the same spells are piled up and the easiest way to recreate the spells are written down into official spell books, the heroes have studied it and with their talent, they learned spells much quicker than everyone else.

But in this scenario, even if they learned the simple spells, their use of it is excessive, they are rash, they released too much mana into a spell just to create an oversized fireball for example, just to kill their target and destroyed the surrounding. They lack proper control and it's doing more damage than good.

Reiner thought to himself


As Reiner was fighting, he was progressively flying quickly to the coast where the ships were spotted, the people of the Paradis Tree all have ships of their own, but that's their one weak spot, on land, they are almost unbeatable, but their Navy is the is incredibly weak.

On the southern cost is a territory shared with both Zoris and the village, but mostly Zoris, there's a reason why there's a running joke of their people not knowing how to swim, though it is just somewhat false.

Zoris' navy has probably seen the ships and is responding right now, the original village itself is safe as Reiner left Rowan and his men there to help the watchers, but he'll help those at the sea and kill those who land on their coast.

With a flap of his red wings, he sped up and on his way, he met some demons, so he use the rose power to create a red sword, though not as strong as Rowan, it's more than enough. He quickly cut all of them down and once he spotted Perseus, the sky became black.

he questioned

It was just pitch black, and Perseus' along with this black haired woman's hand were in the air focusing and controlling the circular black disk in the sky. IF it weren't for the people on the ships using magic of the light attribute to light up the sky, nothing would have been visible.

"This is your first time, so just let me do most of this." Leilah said to Perseus

"That can be taken so out of context." he muttered as Ruka facepalmed at the comment "Well I hope to grow more stars and reach my full potential."

"They didn't send the strongest people for this invasion, so even if they cast their barrier spell, with me here, they're all dying as this will go past that."

"You sure are an evil woman."

They casted

Chaos from that spell then ensued.