Chapter 65: Frail

Perseus POV

"Oh, I thought you were lying when you described him, he does look like that." Ruka commented

Zach won't recognize my voice or looks, I mean he would recognize my looks since I'm known as a lord, but he doesn't remember ever talking with me or meeting me in person since I had a disguise on...

But I get her comment, he really doesn't look like someone who actually exist in the real world and is just one of those characters where my own readers would make weird comments about.

"Well I can tell you where we met but I don't know if you are keeping it a secret from the others."

He came and lean his ear in.

"Remember my request for the 5 star roll of white fabric?"

"Eh?" he then backed away and look at me carefully again and again "You?!"

"Yes, me."

" I never would have- Huh?! How?!"

"Big bro, you know him?" the chef asked.

Big bro...? He's a pipsqueak while the guy is this 190cm tall bulk man. So Zach really is in his 20s, who knew.

"Yeah, he's the weird customer who threatened to buy from our rival." Zach answered

"Oh, is the captain the old man that you talked about?"

"No, he's not, but..."

"Let's just get on the boat and captain, please go steady and take all the time you need, we got all the supplies and the time in the world, I don't want to get seasick."


We got on the boat and it didn't take long till it starts, this world use mana and electricity to power things, so things like oil aren't really used for transportation unless it's to grease the wheels or something, so a yacht like this got an aircon and everything.

After we settled our things and picked our rooms, I forced Leilah to sleep in a different room since we got like 5 bedrooms for ourselves and don't want it to go to waste since we paid for it. After we're done, I got out to talk to Zach who's our navigator.

"Well this is awkward, isn't it? Last time, you were so desperate for a costumer that you held me by my arm after you jumped over the stall."

"That didn't happen!" he denied and almost tore the map he's holding

"Navigator with a chef brother who can double as a guard for the business, that's pretty great."

"It's already obvious that you're going to the island to fight the kraken, why?" Zach asked "It is said that the kraken has the strength equivalent to a 10 star mage which our current generation has around 10 of, and most of them are on the demons side, why risk your life?"

"I've been stuck on the 3rd star for a few years now, the fastest way to level up is always through experience, this kraken is an instant guaranteed for me to reach the 4th star."

"Why worry, young one?" the captain asked "Your people are always 1 level above us average folks, your 3 star is equal to our 4 star."

That's true, but that's not really gonna help since I do plan on fighting the heroes and the demon lord, 2 rose guardian by my side isn't going to help much if I can't hold my own.

The roses can individually take the kraken on their own since they're all better than a 10 star mage, but this time, I need to participate and experience near deaths a couple times for the guaranteed 4 star power up. It's like a group project ya know, I just have to contribute to a certain amount but in this case while fighting a monster who can swallow ships whole.

The kraken being equivalent to a 10 star mage is an understatement, a monster like that might just be much stronger. Like I explained before, the higher the star level you're in, the stronger you are physically as well, and in the physical aspect, you can expand even further by training and even your physique can factor in.

It's like two 1 Michelin star chefs, one will be of a better caliber even though they're technically ranked the same.

Same for the magic star level, and this kraken is physically much stronger than any regular 10 star, many times more, so as I'm with Ruka and Leilah, I should be okay even though the 2 of them would have an easier time without me. And this is just one of the monsters that this world is currently dealing with, the heroes are responsible for stopping all of them and try to get within the 7-9 star range by the next couple years. Heroes, as long as they're together, they'll grow that quick before reaching a stagnant speed when they are at the 9th.

"So Zach, the crew are all family and friends of yours?"

"Family, no friends." he corrected "We're all relatives who's been in this business for generations."

"And so how does that lead you to the black market? How did you get in contact with the enchanter and be entrusted to sell their product? You're about a 5 star but on a lower tier, you did it alone, you're clearly not suited to be able to handle yourself, you look a bit frail."

"Is it cuz I'm short? Or is it because I look a bit feminine? For the record, I've never bought your anti aging cream thing to look like this."

"No, you look really pathetic, you're skinny and looks like you've never exercise in your life, you're like our readers, you all probably can't even tell me the last time you've actually exercise instead of wasting your time on unhealthy things like being a couch potato."

He just sighs as a response.

"Well I've met the old man quite a long time ago." he finally answered "I wouldn't tell you too much details, but the black market community is more closely knit than you think, I've met him through there, if he knows that you're the one who made that order, I can get you a reservation."