Chapter 81: Let's Not Think About That


Lilith POV

"Sit up, let's talk, maybe we can get to know each other."

"Dream woman, just fuck off." the boy replied to me in an annoyed tone "It's not like I'll remember you after this, time is fluid in a dream, it could be super fucking long and it'll be only a minute outside, so just let me rest."

But he sat up anyway as I sat across him and inspect him further. He's probably a patient at a hospital with a deadly illness, he is probably in so much pain that he rather die and just end it all, his world doesn't have magic and the best they can do is being resourceful with advanced machinery and medicine.

Cancer is apparently curable for them now even though it's at a very low rate, though many diseases can only be delayed at best. It's still advanced enough to help a lot of people though.

Maybe he is one of those children.


Perseus POV

"You sure are popular." Zach commented as he helped his younger brother bring breakfast to the dining room "At first it was 2 and now 2 came out of nowhere."

"Say, Zach, I know you have ways to get information, but how high would you and your crew rate yourselves in that aspect?"

"7 out of 10, why?"

"Wanna be my private informants? I'll give you guys 2 call crystals, and it'll be commissioned based, prices will vary based on the difficulty and threat level of the information I want."

"Deal." he nodded

"That's quick, don't you need to console the rest of the guys?"

"Don't worry, I make the decisions since I'm the next head of my family." he reassured "It seems you need some immediate information."

"Yeah, I can't trust everything a book say, I want to know the characteristics and known strengths and weaknesses of the yellow rose."

"Rest assured that even if I'm captured, your name won't come out of my mouth when I'm captured. I'll ask for the payment later when we analyze the difficulty of the task, 50% upfront."

People who operate in the black market sure are scary despite their frail look, cuz I sense no lies withing his words, I guess that you need certain amount of resolve to work in the black market, it's not as lawless as the rumors, there are certain rules in place for the sellers and certain unwritten rules.

Like no poisoning rivals and stuff like that, and if assassinations were to carry their task, they have to do it in a certain method, I don't know much more than that since I don't plan to operate much in there.

So our seating arrangement on the round dining table is (left to right): Me, Leilah, Maple, Lilith, and Ruka. It's the most neutral seating since Leilah and Ruka spent the most time with me, so they're sitting by my side, maple doesn't want to sit next to me due to her fear of being teased, Lilith can't sit next to me without arguing with Leilah, and obviously the 2 can't sit next to each other.

I don't know what they 3 sisters talked about yesterday to make Lilith made that declaration this morning. But I wouldn't say that I don't like it since I'm getting a harem here.

"So Lilith, why are you so interested in me all of a sudden?"

"Why? Are you bothered?" she asked

"Well a bit, cuz I don't know if you like me in that way yet."

"I do like you."

It's not the whole truth, so I'm just gonna take it with a grain of salt since it's not a complete lie either. I already confirmed that Maple does think of me more than just a regular mortal, while Ruka's a bit complicated, so I can only base it off of how she treats me.

They apparently used to look more similar in the older days when it was just them and a couple mortals, but apart from the eye color, there's one major differences between Leilah and Lilith.

"My eyes are up here." Lilith grumbled once she saw where I was staring "I'm an archer and having a smaller chest helps. I also don't like to fake my looks, so you get what you get."

"Oh don't worry, I don't discriminate."

I know some of you are probably gonna say 'flat is justice', 'medium is premium', 'oppai is truth', or 'thicc thighs save lives', I seriously don't discriminate, I'm as much as a degenerate as you guys.

"A question, if I kill the demon lord, you won't try to avenge him, would you?"

"Oh no." she answered "But I won't help you either, he is after all, my kin. And as a general, in my disguise, if you defeat me, I will leave behind a fake corpse, but as a 10 star mage, it'll be hard for you to do that."

"What if you as the goddess alongside Maple both marry me and we can use that as a bridge for coexistence?"

"That might work." she nodded "You can be the key to end all this if that happen, but a part of our oath, if a god were to marry a mortal, we have to lose our god status since the earlier days, demigods ruled the world too easily and now their descendants are royalty."

"Oh, so the demon royalties are your descendants?"

"What?! No! Why would I be reckless enough to have children?" she retorted "Me and Maple are not like the other 3."

"Funnily enough, Alban's first wife was one of their children." Maple chimed in

Alban, the white rose...married his niece. And why am I the only one showing a reaction here, what the fuck is wrong with everyone. Come on. Right, they were amongst the first beings born into this world where inbreeding was the only way to populate the planet.

And the first humans and demons were their siblings, they witnessed it first hand...I worded that weird, I mean not like during the process and you know, the increase in numbers, I'll just stop cuz it might sound worse. It's like the Adam and Eve thing where we're all their descendants and we're all in this case, Leilah and I are also relat-

I'm not gonna think about it for my own good.

But if gods exist, does that mean my previous world have gods as well?