Chapter 88: Zoo (2)

Perseus POV

This isn't good. The royals always track and spy on my family's records since they can't spy on anything else due to our tougher security, they should know that Vince is my brother, having a royal member here isn't good, he recognize Vince and my disguise is busted.

"I've been looking for you." he said

"Who? Me?"

"Yes...why is Perseus brother with you?" he asked "What's your relations with him?"


"My brother is at home trying to resolve his issue, so he hired big sis to babysit me as we visit the zoo." Vince, you chad

I like this guy already, after I'm done resolving my case and extend my assassination and murder charges, I'll buy you anything you want and

"I see." Lloyd then had this sigh of relief "I was trying to look for you after I saw you applied for the knights tryout."


"You're one of the only ones in my group age that gotten far." he replied "An instructor said that even though you didn't show strength that surpasses adults, you passed the minimum requirements to start out as a royal guard, which mean you already surpassed many people our age.

"You would have passed if the test didn't get interfered, and the instructor I talked to even said that they would have given you as pass as soon as you come back, so why didn't you?"

Alright, Perseus Silver, Vince can't help with this, use 100% of your brain and the quick speed of a human's thinking process to think of an excuse.

"Well I simply don't know what I want to do for a career, hehe...currently I plan on applying for the big play in the southern continent's capital to see if I can be a dancer or an actress, being a knight or a mage isn't for me, I was very useless when the demons attacked and I ran, I don't think people would appreciate a coward."

"I-I see." he nodded "By the way, I haven't asked for your name."

"Persia Bellerose."

"I'm Lloyd Tartian." he introduced himself "I won't keep you here long since I'm about to take my leave, I hope to see you at the play since I'm attending as a representative at the capital."


3rd Person POV

"Persia Bellerose, I'll be sure to write that name down." Lloyd said as he then left the zoo

But even though the day of the visit is peaceful to our protagonist, somewhere else, people were panicking at the lost of one of their allies, Yom, a man of noble status.

If a man of noble status was killed so easily without hesitation, it'll be hard for anyone else to get away safely if Perseus doesn't care.

"What do we do now?!" Jack shouted

He had a few call crystals in front of him meaning that he's talking to several people.

"He just killed a noble without a slightest doubt in his eye, and I almost fucking volunteered to be the bad cop." he slammed his fist "At best, we can delay him solving his cases by 6 months, but after that, our involvement with the kraken will be exposed and we'll all get the death penalty."

"Then we'll delay it for 6 months." One voice said "Use that time to get an escape plan, find other identities and leave."

"Then what about the baby krakens that we're keeping?" Jack replied "The yellow rose would fucking kill us!"

"Why worry so much? The yellow rose plans to use them to help the heroes in the fight against." Another voice reassured "I'll contact the church to contact him, if he intervene, even if we can't escape and get caught in 6 months time, we'll get away with house arrest."

"Then what about the prodigy?!" Jack retorted "By delay, it means that it's inevitable that he'll find us out, do you think he'll let us get away?"

"I told you, the yellow rose-"

"Oh really?! The yellow rose and the eastern church, the prodigy got 2 rose, one of which is the strongest rose of all, do you think that the church with one bud of a saint and an old pope can help one lord defeat him?! Might as well just have the church declare war on his people and call his people monsters.

"I ain't a noble like some of you lot, I'm getting a life sentence at best and our involvement with the kraken killed thousands of people, that's capital punishment guaranteed, what the hell is wrong with you lot?!"

"That's why we're all preparing fake identities." the first voice sighs "You're a 7 star mage, you got enough wealth to afford to hide yourselves, move to Tehios like the rest of us, it's easier to hide there and if his rumor of being a true adventurer is true, it will take a while before he goes there since currently the only problems there are not monsters."


Perseus POV

This zoo is surprisingly useful if you want information of very dangerous monsters all over the world, they even got this lion species from the demon continent somehow, but I seriously hate it here, it's just animals captured away from their home.

In my past world, there are many laws against this kind of practice, but it doesn't help against people poaching of capturing wild animals and putting them into this prison, and this can explain the concept of global warming a million times and they either won't care or won't understand.

They can just use magic to grow plants or ice magic to cool the environment, so they have it figured out, and as for endangered species, it's another whole 20 page essay that I won't get into.

Vincent or Vince loved the zoo since his parents used to take him here a lot, and now I'm doing it, but I seriously hate it here, it just constantly reminds me of my time being watched by others in a cell, though not for amusement.

And that's why I was a bit unhinged at the false accusation, I couldn't care less about what's on my record, I just hate being imprisoned, even if it's not going to last for a long time.