Chapter 90: Mutation

Perseus POV

I got Lilith aboard and even though she was supposed to just come buy a ticket to join as one of the esteemed audience member, she auditioned alongside me and passed as one of the members of the play.

'I want to see what you like to do close up.'

Damn, I wanted to do things solo, but sure enough, after I put my things in my room, I donned on some knight armor and went out to explore a bit, people would ask, but I already got the record of this name trying out as a royal guard, wearing it won't seem that much out of place.

And sure enough, some nobles are already greeting fellow cast members before the play, some nobles even took time flirting with some of them in hope of any of em agreeing to be part of their harem, the male cast is especially popular, luckily I'm a minor, so that distance a bunch of the sane ones and left me with the creeps.

I do make most of em turn away after I talk rudely to them since what those of higher status hate most is when no one respect their position, so I started some rumors among the nobles that I'm a really undesired woman, though most of my cast member only refute that saying that I'm a nice person and rude only to those I don't like.

I think I'm way into this woman role to care about my reputation. A couple days went by as I practiced under their director and talked with a few nobles, and sure enough, one of the mages I'm looking for also came to greet the cast members before the date of the play.

I need to kidnap this guy, but it'll be extremely difficult since he's an 8 star mage. I need to find some drugs that should be enough to knock him out cold for a couple hours that's long enough for me to place him somewhere that he'll never be found and good enough for me to extract as much information I need.

Lilith won't help out too much since she's interested in what I'll do too much to interfere on a high level. So I left for the nearby library and read for herbal medicines I can use.

"Why don't you just buy some from the black market?" Lilith asked "It's cheaper and easier."

"Yeah, but it's also easier to get caught with if they discover any small spill of the drugs we use, they can trace it back to the black market and even further, the source and the buyers. Besides, with a play of this kind of scale, it's gonna be more heavily monitored in case anyone plan on assassinating anyone important and starting some sort of world war, it's better to do it ourselves."

"You do realize that most of the investigators of this world don't really think with your methods...right?" she sighs "Your mindset resembles more of your old world than of this, the investigator here aren't as thorough since we got a lot of magic to make up for anyone's lack of skill instead of developing useful machines."

"You just realized?"

"This illusion skill of yours is very interesting though." she commented "it's not magic and it's something that I've never seen before in my life, no heroes possess the same abilities you do either, even the current ones."

"They call me a super, or supers for plural, you can guess what that is. In my previous world, you should know that it was dominated by average non magic humans, people like me started being born a couple decades ago, probably longer but not recorded, but our numbers increased as the days went by.

"We possess abnormal abilities that manifest after a while, though most are not in anyway lethal, like many have flame breath, but as scary as those sound, their flame breath is nothing like magic, but just a couple seconds of weak flames coming out their nose or mouth for a couple of seconds.

"We are then divided into different categories once we get officially checked by our respective department of defense once we finished getting checked for the weird mutation in our DNA."

"What mutation are we talking about?" Lilith asked

"No one knows what it is exactly, I don't know much about the details myself, but people like me have it, we are more physically enhanced than a normal human, and yet we live slightly longer as well, we are like humans 2.0."

"Similar to those of the Paradis Tree." she commented

"Right, first we get checked for the mutation and then after, we get evaluated by our demonstration, they have to inject this serum to make sure you don't hold back, it's white, green, yellow, orange, red, and black. White is totally safe and so on.

Orange and Red is the ones where they are tested further in a psychological test to see if they should live amongst regular people, black is forced to live in this military dystopia where they are monitored at all times with no question asked until they are deemed safe enough to be integrated back."

"What rank were you?" Lilith asked


"Is that the most dangerous one? It's not on the list."

"No, the highest would be extinction, I was originally orange I think, but I've never took any test since I was kidnapped the moment they found me, I sort of forcibly evolved during that time."

"Oh, your abilities can evolve as well."

"Amongst a special few, yes, it's apparently when that mutation reach a certain level, when they found that out, I was classify as a very dangerous red level threat."

Lilith POV

Huh, the world of the heroes possess such a thing, and here I thought they only get strong if they were modified. but it seems that I should take a look at this so called mutation when I get the chance, after all, he should still carry it.

Leilah did forget one detail or rather, she did not know when she told him that he should have been reborn with the exact same body, that would only apply to those born as either pure demon or human, he was human, so he was reborn as human.

But he was born as a child of the Paradis Tree, they aren't exactly humans, he has a mix of demon blood as well as those weird mutation, so he should be slightly stronger than he think, and he definitely doesn't know that.