Chapter 103: The Hidden Treasure

Perseus POV

As soon as grandpa Laker visit our home for an apology, he got a lot of angry words from my parents for not trying harder to stop the heroes, which he said that they were justified in being angry and was even willing for me to beat him up if necessary, which in no way would I even thought of it, he's family after all.

He then handed me these 2 super thin books, one about a temple and the other is about a fallen star, it's something I've never read before, but what's the purpose of giving this to me, I wonder...

"For the temple, it is said to hold a treasure very vastly valued that would even benefit a hero in their prime." he explained "You can use your next trip to the south and your smarts to try and get it first, as for the star, it's supposedly fallen due to the rage of the sun goddess and is told to hold a treasure as well though no one has seen this one before and is more of a rumor.

"As for the temple, the treasure has never been properly documented, but it was supposedly held by the first demon lord and left there forgotten as he apparently 'wished to never hurt it'."

"Leilah? Ruka?"

They shook their head as they never heard it before, but I can tell that my grandfather is telling the truth, either way, a fallen star, that's awesome, with I be able to use it and create some sort of giant lightning axe or something? Wait, no the star was only the location, not the material...

Well it doesn't hurt to try and harvest a fallen star, but I'll go for the confirmed treasure first, conveniently located in the great dessert, is it an 8th rose that no one knows about, a cool sword, or maybe some sort of crystal gem that follows the cliché norm of any fantasy story?

"I'll leave at new years then."

"No." my parents denied

"Why not? It's when trips are more quiet and lesser people are gonna be at the desert."

"Do you hate us or something?" Mom Nyra asked "Can't you at least care about our feelings?"

"I am, that's why I follow most of your instructions such as telling white lies even though the truth would have benefited them more. Like that girl who cried after a break up even though it was clearly her fault and that guy who was justifying himself as a-"

"Shush. You either spend time with us or I'll have you work on and organize Maggie's wedding." she threatened

"Th-That's low! Mom, help me."

"Don't look at me." mom Rylee then turned away "Besides, I like to spend family time too, aren't you suppose to coddle your parents?"

"But it's cheaper to travel then-"

"I knew it, you bastard." mom Nyra chuckled "So you value money over family...Maggie's birthday is on new years eve, and this year, we're hosting it and you're watching over her children."



My parents are evil, you're supposed to spoil me until I grow old god dammit where Leilah will then take over the job, anyway, my family got together for new years, and Maggie let these devil spawns come along, and she now has the smug face ever since she found her lover cuz I always made fun of her desperation for love.

Damn my parents for not allowing me to say what I want. But I'll try anyways.

"There was this one priestess who wondered into a cave with a newly formed party to eliminate some goblin-"

"Stop!" Mom Rylee interrupted "Is this one of those stories you use to traumatize people again?"

"What?! There's even a cool guy named goblin slayer and everything."

"You'll just using goblins and making them scary somehow, so stop."

"But goblins are scary."

"We live in the middle of the most dangerous forest in the world, a goblin isn't any good, so tell them the story about the little ponies or something cuz that's the only scenario where you can't twist things to make em scary."

This new years party and the this birthday thing is the worst, I can't even concentrate, but I used Vince to somewhat lure the 2 children away as I read the book about the temple and the story of its connection to the first demon lord.

This treasure was no normal treasure as this treasure was described as what a rose guardian is to their respective lord, and unlike the roses who were created into existence by the moon god, this treasure was created by the sun goddess.

And the demon lord despite being a hero, he was lacking in many ways compared to his best friend, and this treasure was gifted to him to help him out a bit, but after he was recruited by the demons to their side, he did left the treasure behind, there was no picture or confirmed answers to what it actually is, but...

In his words, 'he doesn't wish to hurt the treasure', it accompanied him and once he become the demon lord, the treasure will become a cursed artifact alongside him and will lose control that not even the demon will be able to use it, it will only release dark miasma and slowly destroy the world .

But it won't be long till someone have to 'put it down', and he can't destroy the gift of the sun goddess, she did nothing wrong, his grudge was with one person only. So he arranged some people to build that temple while hiding the fact that he is siding with the demons, once it was finished, he left the treasure there for someone worthy, regardless of race or ideals.

No heroes has went there yet since there are simply supposed better treasure left behind by the first hero spread over the land and there's an unconfirmed theory that the treasure left behind is already cursed. If the first demon lord is cautious of it too, no sane hero should pursue it.

Well sounds just like my schtick then.