Chapter 112: I Am Though!

Perseus POV

And so, I made a small trip back home so that I can go meet up with Zach in the black market before I can go back to pursue the fallen star. If one of the treasure is a living overpowered fox, maybe the star isn't actually a meteoroid like most scholars guessed...what if it's a dragon's egg?

Or what if it already hatched...? Let's hope it's the former, I want a baby dragon so I can be like this red haired noble who dreams to be a slacker and has a small dragon following around him.

But those who are exploring the temple should escape while they can, cuz 20 hours isn't that far off for the temple to apparently self destruct since I got the treasure out and activated the timer. It'll be funny when they amongst themselves to determine which if the weapons in the glass case they manage to get out is the treasure.

"What's with the fox?" Vince asked once I got home

Buddy is still sleeping in my arms, but I didn't seriously think I should adopt a fox since they aren't really good at potty training and the smell is very strong, but Leilah read on the way here that he's a treasure that was made by the sun goddess to help and by being a treasure, unlike a regular fox, he has a special organ that turns the food he eats directly in mana, so that's one problem solved.

"He's my...He's my pet, I guess. Hey Maggie, why aren't you at work or something?"

"I am at work, babysitting your little brother." she retorted "And he's definitely doesn't talk back as much as you, a fox isn't really a good pet, they pee to mark their territory and quite a handful, you'll need a large encloser to keep them and let them roam around, not good for indoors or people living atop the tallest tree in the world."

I plan on letting him roam around, besides, he won't need to pee and was basically responsible for apparently 4 new species of arctic foxes in the north where the first demon lord then requested the sun goddess to, well, neuter him. I got 3 books out of the stupid temple and all of which are worth a lot of money, the guide for raising this fox is also a diary of his previous owner which should be useful.

"Is this you doing your stupid so called inner monologue or narration again?" Maggie asked "Talk about the fox, your parents hate pets, how will you convince them?"

"They don't hate pets, they just think I'm not responsible to have one, there's a difference, I asked for a pet bunny cuz no protagonist in the isekai genre have one as a sidekick, you'll probably find hamster, but not a bunny. Besides, my parents are nice, they'll let me have a pet."

"A pet fox? An animal that isn't supposed to be domesticated?"

"Since when did you turn into me? Just stop questioning it."

"Oh right, because you're a so called protagonist." she mocked

If that's how you want to play, I'll play this game with you too.


3rd Person POV

Nyra and Rylee arrived at their home to see their friend in tears with Perseus standing over them in a domineering manner while their younger son just froze up with a somewhat traumatized face.

"Perseus, what have you done?" Nyra sighs as she put down her groceries and went to her friend's side

"Only the con of marriage and how most will fall apart, besides she asked fo-" he was interrupted by Rylee just yanking on his ear


"See, wasn't hard to apologize now, was it?" Mom Rylee said as Perseus had to kneel in front of them.

Perseus thought

Nyra thought

But the parents now want to question about the sleeping fox in his arms, they've been ignoring it, but now they're wondering about it since he should be at the southern continent and yet he is home all of a sudden and he came with a pet fox.

Perseus POV

"What's with the fox?" Mom Nyra asked

"He's my pet."

"No, that's not happening."

"You know what, I'm standing my groun- I'm sorry." I backed down when I saw her glare

The fox then yawned and woke up to stretch and look around. Right, show them how cute you are, you are entrusted to me by the first demon lord to take care of you and I will.

I'm surprised there isn't a picture of him in the paintings, maybe Lilith will know something.

I then just muster up my courage.

"I'm keeping this fox whether you like it or not, he's been entrusted to me an-"

"Fine." Mom Nyra sighs "But if he makes any trouble, I will turn him to the watchers and let them throw him so deep in the forest that he'll live the rest of his life there."

"Why are you so cruel? Don't you see how cute he looks?"

"And don't you know that foxes aren't meant to be pets?!"

"He's the gift from the sun goddess, don't you worship her?! I got him from the temple!"

"How would a fox live this long?! That's stupid, isn't it? You're making no sense for a supposed smart person."

"But girls love cute, dumb, and rich guys!"

"That's true." Ruka commented

"What's his name?" Mom Rylee asked

"Buddy Paw, cute name, isn't it?

"Yeah, no way in hell did the first demon lord named him that with the sun goddess' approval. Where'd you steal him?"

"I didn't!"

"Right, believing that the fox is from the first demon lord is like believing in the fact that you're some sort of reincarnated previously tortured soul that explain why you're depressing."

"I am!"

"That's oddly specific to be true!" she countered

After the discussion, I rested for the night and gave some souvenirs to people I know the next day and head for the black market.

I went out of the house and let Buddy roam out in the nearby forest as I then head for the location in Zach's name card which was a good distance away.