Chapter 117: Free...For Now


Loki POV

"Ok, there's the place where the cars are parked?" Alexis pointed to a building near the front gate

"It's practically in the open." Lucifer whispered

"Yeah, unlike last time, they put it where no one would raid, even though it was disastrous for us since only a couple possess the ability to override their system, we were slowed down and gunned down in there, but fortunately for us, they relocate it to where no one would go since we caused too much damage last time."

We're currently hiding in the restroom for a disabled person, we made it all the way to the ground floor, but that 2 hour nap just to get here was very tiring, we can't have any short cuts and it really took 1 whole day as this place is in lockdown.

I chewed on coffee beans throughout the whole thing and even now, it's the only thing keeping me awake.

I'm surprised that they haven't used the extinction class yet despite an apocalypse class threat managing to escape, but it must mean that the extinction class are currently elsewhere, so no better time to capitalize. They've also underestimated Brianna's ability and resilience by classifying her as only orange due to her good behavior, so this is good.

"He doesn't look like he'd last 40 minutes." Lucifer pointed at me "And 5 minutes will be used for him to hide us the moment we rush to the car and get it started."

"Then let's go now before anything unexpected happens, our feet are cleaned and dried up, so we won't leave prints. Perseus, say when." Brianna said

"Now." I said and casted a veil of illusion.

Thick enough to hide what we're doing and not too thick to prolong its use as we rush to the building where Brianna separated the door and we head inside.

No one is in this particular armory, the cameras are still on, so I have to extend my range to cover everyone as Brianna and Lucifer head to find that car or whatever while me and Alexis stock up on fresh clothes left behind in a closet. We also stocked up our ammo and replaced our rifles with the more powerful ones in here in our 4 collective bags.

I then heard the car start and we rush to the car.

"Change into these clothes." Alexis said as we all listened start changing

Finally the fancy clothing their soldiers use that can fit any size as they are made from this newly developed fabric available to only people who work at this company.

"Our clothing and the vest have scents on them," she explained "Especially the singed smell and these one won't, we also got proper new vests, but I can't deactivate the trackers without it being known to those in the main building, so we'll have to have the car outside first."

"By the way, is there a way we can blow this armory up so we can buy ourselves sometime?" Lucifer asked as he threw in our bags and got into the drivers seat

"Don't worry, that where you come in." Alexis answered and got into the car "Electricity won't work cuz the power will be redirected to an insulator, but your light powers can blow this thing whole."

He then got the car near the entrance and Brianna opened the gate while I focused on the range of my illusion and rushed to the security booth as the car when and park silently in front of the gate

"Open." I said to the guard at the security booth and got back to the car while he slammed the button where Lucifer then shot a blast of light to the booth

As the gate opened, an alarm rang and the door now has no way of closing until someone at the security team override it from afar, but by then, it's too late, our car has made it out.

My veil of illusion made it so that no one can see where we are so none of their shots even hit us, and even if a few do, they won't know, our car, even the tires were tough enough to withstand a spied shot.

Once we got to a certain distance, the car spun 180 and Lucifer put his arm out and shot a large blast of light to the armory which caused an explosion, and we did a 180 again and he blast and melt a hole through the gate, we bypassed several gates and we were basically free for now.

"I can hold this for about 30 minutes."

"Right, we should arrive at the city in about 10 minutes." Alexis said as she took out her map "When we arrive, under the veil of illusion, we'll steal some wallets and head for a nearby hotel."

"Why a hotel?"

"They'll think that we'll going into hiding in caves or some alleyway, a regular 3 star hotel is where they'd least expect, 5 star is the best spot to hide, but we can't steal a credit card without it being immediately traced." she explained "When we talk to the receptionist, Loki, just show me and Brie while you 2 remain invisible, but change our appearance, our height, our clothing, our face. Brie, work on a fake accent."


"Alright, apart from the lights and the aircon, I deactivated everything." Alexis said as I dropped the veil of illusion

We are currently in a 2 bed room of a 3 star hotel in the middle of the city, it should be enough space for now for about 2 nights of rest. But we still have to whisper and not make to much noise, in the morning, I'll have t make an illusion of the 2 clones heading out.

"You didn't turn off the hot shower, did you?" Brianna asked "If there's a listening device, I understand."

"Oh, I checked and I didn't deactivate the shower." Alexis answered

"Loki? You want it first?"

"Uh you can use it first, Brianna, I need to recollect my thoughts a bit." I replied as I laid on the soft bed

"Call me Brie, it's easier." She replied "I'll call you Luke for short."

I'm free...for now, and this time, I'm not alone at the very least.