Chapter 120: Arrival Of Demons (2)

Perseus POV

The debate went on and on in this sarcastic and passive manner where both the sides made fun of the other. It would be funny if it weren't for the fact that both of them are ready to start a war immediately on their allies' behalf.

Doesn't help with their advisers behind them sort of passive aggressively instigating the other side.

This world doesn't use the term 'world war', but they really don't give a fuck about the lives of their people, violence really is the universal language.

"Remember who actually found and established the royal school of architecture?" Lilith asked "Of course not, your family took all the credit. And you spun the narrative of him going completely mad."

"He did go mad, I saw it with my own 2 eyes." Rowan retorted

"Not completely, he still retained his knowledge and some his his sanity, he was the 2nd strongest hero, he just mostly had a personality switch."

Both the sides then started shouting.

"Alright, you guys, my ears are gonna bleed if this goes on-" I then got cut off by all the scream and shouting in which I then was forced to use my power to keep this somewhat civilized.

"Shut up! I said I'm the guy giving the order here, so shut it before I'll take the treasures for myself."

"A bit arrogant, don't you think?" Rowan replied

Damn, this guy...even if he got a strong will, it should have worked on him for a couple seconds, but I guess being the 3rd strongest rose wasn't just for show.

"Look, apart from the ones I took, y'all can just split the stuff 1/3 for each party, Zoris...what are the names of the capital of the southern continent and the demon continents again?"

"Ours is Zerak and the south's is Suvonir." Lilith answered

"Right, 1/3 for each party involved sounds fair, right?"

"I have an argument for half since the demon lord's will was for Zerak to own all rights to his property, but we're willing to settle for half and ignore all of what the 4 continents owe. Of course Perseus can keep what he found since he was the one that opened it."

"Half?! Absurd!" A noble of Suvonir exclaimed in outrage "I'd argue you get a quarter at best, our 2 kingdoms helped maintain the temple, where were you all this time!?"

Suvonir sounds kinda like souvenir, but who the hell am I to judge for someone's naming sense, my name is known to others as quite pretentious.

Anyway, that noble is acting like the temple is damaged or rot throughout the years, it didn't really require maintenance. Besides, treasure this, treasure that, more than half of it is cursed anyway, it's a lose lose situation for anyone here.

"What did you get out of the temple?" Reiner asked me

"Oh, the demon lord's diary, I couldn't open the last vault and then backed out-"

"Are you serious? That's priceless."

" I know, so one third, but since the demons of Zerak arrived last, they get the remainings while Sovonir and Zoris discuss between what they want for their 2/3."



"Deal." All the party agreed once they discussed amongst themselves

How did no one think of this? I ain't even that smart, did they seriously just want to slid each other's throats? You're nobles with proper management duties, it doesn't take an extra braincell to think of this withing 30 minutes at my generous best.

These people, I swear, they're one swear word away from launching a world war if it weren't for their pride as nobles.


At the selection, Lilith's group basically manipulated by talking a tiny bit louder for which of the recovered treasure should they want if they can pick, and add with the extra 'no, they took the sword of the dragon's rage' or 'hah, they didn't take the robe of phoenix blood' and something along that line, they basically manipulated the human side to pick what the demons want them to pick.

And no one fucking picked up on it.

"We got the only 4 non cursed ones amongst them." Lilith whispered to me

"Sneaky devil."

"How did you befriend Buddy? Was he the one in the temple?"

"I can't believe you remembered him."

"Of course I do, where's your girlfriend?"

"Sulking and probably complaining to my parents about me paying more attention to Buddy than her in the span of these few days."

"Really? Isn't that unfair...wait no, they've both been isolated by themselves for centuries."

I can then see Edward approach me after his discussion with the other nobles and his brother.

"I'm seriously questioning your taste in women, you do realize that there are plenty of candidates lining up for you, right?" he asked right in front of her "Why a demon general who's done so many terrible things?"

"No offense, I'm a neutral party, I associate with pretty much anyone, besides, from her perspective, you've done many terrible things."

"What about the fact that you proposed to her?"

"It was with one other for the purpose of coexistence."

"You're kidding, right?" He scratched his head "Even Tehios took about centuries for that to happen."

"I don't kid about such serious topics. And you guys are too nervous for your own good, Lilith is pretty chill if it weren't for the fact that she would push me down and have her fun if the right opportunity arise."

"And that does not scare you?"

"That's why I always have Ruka or Leilah by my side at all times, gotta have some protection. Anyway, every should be prepared to rest, it's almost the scheduled time for the AWESOME fight."

Maybe there's a way I can like pilot the giant, that would be so cool, hopefully there isn't a crazy pink haired lady inside piloting it, cuz this series might get sued for copyright infringement.

But a fox v giant robot fight doesn't really appeal to the audience, at least the demons are watching on the sidelines, which means this news should alert the summer god, and he'll definitely recognize Lilith which will cause another frenzy.

I knew I should have taken law as my major.