Chapter 136: One Skill

Perseus POV

Lilith forced the thing open and we see this super dark stair ways that leads to another tunnel that is supposedly about several km far, we walked until we see this large opening of an underground cavern that had 2 guards waiting.

"Zach Reefer referred us here, can you check my name on your guest list or something?"

One guy checked a list and handed it to the other guy who then joined the first guy in checking whether my descriptions fits and they then let me in, the underground cavern is fucking massive and sure enough, there is golden sand mixed with the desert sand underground.

And it's not your regular description of golden sand, this gold is like actual gold color with a slight sparkle amongst the bigger pieces. I had Lilith check them out and it seems that the gold is just merely a colored sand, I don't know how the science work in the grand scheme of things, so I won't be able to explain how this came to be.

In the top of the cavern, there's a large cluster of white crystals lighting up the whole place, apparently there's a ritual every 2 years this village do that recharge the crystal using actual sunlight, they probably use it to help with the crops.

Water or light magic is different from the actual thing, water is so cleaned and distilled that you won't get any minerals from it, light magic don't provide as much nutrients as well, this village have the enchanters, but too little in numbers, they'll have to be overworked so they need help, which is why the apprentice like Zach comes in.

They sell their crafts and use most of it to buy resources so the masters aka the enchanters don't have to be overworked, Zach did told me in another call that his master is the younger brother of the current chief, 3rd in command.

There's very little air down here, very hard to breathe, luckily I live in a place so high up in the sky that I'm sort of trained for places with the lack of oxygen, plus magic exist, people can just create an armor of air on their body to breathe.

In the far distance, there's the village that supposedly housed about 1000 people, very small. But's strange, there's a large tunnel in the back that they covered up which should lead to the actual residence near some underground lake, this front part should only be the base camp for watchers.

Yeah, this village call their guards and scouts as watchers as well, they patrol and keep order, they watch over people, which gave the name.

Anyway, there's a lot more people with temporary housing set in the base camp which isn't what Zach told me in the call, he heard a lot of things about this village that he can pretty much visualize how everything looks like. Maybe they changed, who knows.

I head down where I then see people gawking at me until I see the man with the same description Zach gave me, wasn't long till I see him, who came to greet me.

Ulrich the weaver, looks about a healthy guy in his early 70s, 175cm tall, dark skin, bald with dark green eyes, buy recognizable features are the 2 gold bracelets at each ankle and wrist.

"So why is there a giant blanket covering that large tunnel? Lake clean up?"

"Well, maintenance if I have to choose a word to describe it, we're sealing it up for now." he replied "Perseus Silver, right? Which title should I use? Champion of the last rose, king of beast, next chief of the Paradis tree, magic prodigy, miracle child, the rude awakening?"

Right, everyone in this village value status, and those with a proper title are respected, they have last names, but they would only use their title in introductions if they have one, and their title have to be earned as well, I'm guessing mine are from Zach.

Perseus the rude awakening? I actually like the sound of it, cuz it's funny.

"Call me whatever you prefer. When did I get the king of beast title?"

"Zach had one of his contact to talk with people of your village, they gave you the title for the numbers of beasts you killed in the nearby forest for your so called training." he answered "You want to learn my ways? Follow me."

He then leads me to his house where we were served some super bitter tea by his wife and I then presented my gifts which he then head out and called some watchers to take away the equipments I bought to their armory.

"I'll cut to the chase, you'll need to dedicate 1 and a half years of your life to stay here and learn the ways of an enchanter." he said "That's the minimal time I calculated for a so called magic prodigy who also possess the talent of an enchanter.

"Some people say there are about 70 enchanters in the world and others say around or less than 30, but the later are more or less correct, the other 40 are mostly half baked enchanters. Zach's level would qualify as one of these half baked enchanters, he is one step away from earning our title."

"I thought he said he hasn't learned anything from you yet."

"Well that's because he simply does not realize it in his daily activities, he has failed the last step so many times that he simply refused the fact that he learned all the previous steps, he's currently backtracking for years in order to see what's wrong." he sighs "The last step is what qualifies a person as an enchanter, you'll need 1 and a half years of rigorous training to achieve that, a 6 month course is very less time, if you want to learn, you have to be willing to sacrifice."

1 and a half years, that's a lot of time to learn enchanting, and that's only the minimum, I'll might go even longer than that...shit, what to do? That's a super long time just to learn one skill.